Where do i start, puzzle is going in on Wednesday for her 2nd jab then a week after that she is allowed out, so we need to start working on walking to heel, but i don't know where to start. I don't want to make any mistakes and teach her to pull so i want to do it right. Any tips or advice will be very helpful
Re: Heelwork Hi Annabelle, there are quite a few heelwork articles in the training section on the main site. I really recommend teaching an off lead clicker heel first and foremost. If you get this right, you can end up with a dog that never associates a lead with pulling at all. Have a look at the different methods and let us know if you have any questions. Pippa
Re: Heelwork Thank you for that link pippa, barley is clicker trained but i have to dig out one of the clickers i don't use with him to use for for her
Re: Heelwork Puzzle had her 2nd jab today and got her microchip, she was very good not a flinch, so in 1 weeks time she gets to meet the big wide world with all 4 paws on the floor, so we are going to have lots of practicing to do