Hi guys, new to this forum. We ive in Upstate NY. Our girl Dakota is 18 weeks old now, and has been part of our family since the beginning of August. We have had Labs in the past, but never one as energetic, and independent as this girl We almost completed our first 6 week puppy class, and are always looking to get more educated to make sure she gets the right training. This is how I ended up finding this forum. Currently struggeling to keep her from counter surfing, emptying trash cans, eating cell phones and remotes.. just to name some examples let's just say that she will try to eat anything and everything that will not try to eat her first atm . Hope everyone has a great week! Sabine
Hello and welcome. We're in Maine. Congratulations on your new puppy. Our pup is 18 weeks. We did 4 weeks of puppy socialization group and a 5 week Obedience class. We're now training along with the book " Train Your Dog Like A Pro ".. It's a great book. I highly recommend it.
Thank you Jade! ☺ lucky you, we love Maine. Spend our summer vacations in Boothbay, and Arcadia. What a beautiful place to be I will look into that book. Thanks for the suggestion
Hi Sabine 74, sorry I've asked you how old your pup is on another thread and now I've just seen your post on introductions telling me! Lol. My girl Isla is 8 months and has done all the things you pup is doing now, she is also very energetic. But is calming down a little
Thank you again I'm sure it's just normal puppy behaviour, just forgot how much of a pain in the rear end they can be at times. She has been really good these past. couple of days though, so fingers crossed. We'll get threw it. The love she brings us is very well worth all the effort