We picked up Jake, our black lab puppy on Friday - he is 8 weeks old. We have survived the first night - he was pretty good actually. He is gorgeous and we love him already. The cats however, are very wary. Our youngest cat did a wee upstairs in the bathroom today because he won't come downstairs as the dog was down here. The puppy is being kept in the kitchen or going out to the garden, and one of us is always with him, so we are hopeful the cat calms down soon. In the meantime, the litter tray has gone upstairs! Still, it stops the car bringing in mice and eating most of them, leaving me innards on the front door mat. Jake is totally uninterested in the cats, which is great. However, he likes trying to eat small stones and chew plants and is obsessed with food!
He looks adorable, I'm sure the cat will get used to him soon. When we brought William home Albert, our (then) ginger tom , went upstairs for a bit but curiosity soon got the better of him. I remember at the time being worried whether or not Albie would scratch Will's beautiful face but all was well. Also as you say it does give a bit of respite from the gruesome gifts cats bring home.....
Hi and welcome. My 2 Abyssinians cats were very unhappy when they discovered Juno in their home. Their litter tray was removed upstairs, as was their food and a stair gate installed so they could disappear away from the new intruder . Even when Juno was securely shut in the kitchen they weren't too happy coming downstairs so that they could go out to their enclosure. I sprayed lots of Feliway around for a few weeks, prevented Juno from chasing the cats and the cats from hissing, spitting or going to smack Juno. It took a few weeks but life did settle down and while they don't curl up to sleep together they all get along happily together
Hi everyone! The 3 yr old cat is wary but will come downstairs and walk through the same room as Jake. The year old cat is much happier with the litter tray and food upstairs. Litter tray was used and lots of food eaten overnight. Both cats are asleep on the beds upstairs. They spend most of their day asleep upstairs anyway, or on the cat climbing tree in the lounge. Jake was up a bit more last night - eldest daughter did the honours and slept downstairs on a camp bed in the lounge. But I am such a light sleeper I heard it all anyway. Every time Jake is in the garden, he eats, or tries to eat dirt, grass, small stones etc. at least he doesn't mind me opening his mouth and sweeping the stuff out with a finger. Can't wait til I can teach him to drop and leave!
You can teach him to leave now In the nicest possible way obviously! Swapping the item for something he really loves, will work. Welcome by the way, he looks so sweet and innocent, I love the look of puppies, they view life so optimistically. It pains me that some will not have a happy life. Of course all the pups on Labrador Forum will have a fantastic life with all the excellent advice we get
Welcome to you and Jake from Hattie 8 years and rescue boy Charlie 5 years. Jake is so cute!! Enjoy him xx