Hello from East Sussex

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Poppysgrandad, May 30, 2020.

  1. Poppysgrandad

    Poppysgrandad Registered Users

    May 30, 2020
    Good morning everyone. I hope you are all safe and well?

    I have just joined the site so thought I would offer a quick introduction.

    My name is Paul and I live in East Sussex with my wife and 9 year old son. We have wanted a dog for years but have lived in London for ages and were too busy with work/new baby etc. Now we are in semi-rural Sussex we decided to bite the bullet as a 'present' for our sons 10th birthday (he's been asking for 5 years now!)

    So we chose a lab based on a number of factors, but largely temperament. I am a teacher and work full time but my wife works from home. I also spend a lot of time beyond work in the great outdoors where a dog would be very happy accompanying me.

    Anyway, Poppy arrived about 4 weeks ago (during lockdown which was unforeseen when we put down the deposit) and she has settled in really well. A lovely temperament and very friendly with other people. She can be a bit nippy but that is to be expected from what I have read at 12 weeks old.

    I have several of Pippas books and we are following them closely and training her daily. She's responding well so far to recall in our garden, sit and more recently walking to heel.

    I hope as problems arise that those of you who have been there, done that already don't mind sharing your wisdom with me. And I will of course contribute anything I can too.

    Keep safe and have a great weekend.

    Regards, Paul.
  2. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Hello! I'm also in East Sussex - lots of lovely places to walk Poppy when she's old enough.
  3. LucyC

    LucyC Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2020
    West Sussex
    Hi Paul. Great post. I’m Lucy and we live in West Sussex. Picking up our 8 week old black lab next week. Glad to hear it’s all going well for you. Fingers crossed we’ll have a similar story.
    All the best.
  4. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Paul and Poppy, welcome to the forum!

    I'm also in West Sussex :)
  5. LucyC

    LucyC Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2020
    West Sussex
    That’s great! I am in Horsham. Are you nearby?
  6. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    We're near-ish Haslemere, so west a bit :)

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