Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Casper, May 7, 2014.

  1. Casper

    Casper Registered Users

    May 7, 2014
    Hello my fellow Lab. lovers!

    First of all, let me inform everybody, that I am an impostor, insofar as I had to say Goodbye to my devoted BL, Casper, on 10.1.14. (Believe me I was just as devoted to him!).

    Casper was diagnosed with spinal cancer on 9.1.14, when the Vet at The FitzPatrick Canine Neural Unit, in Godalming in Surrey,( to whom my Vet had referred Casper, following difficulties he had experienced with, walking and standing), contacted me at home in Faversham, Kent.

    The Cancer was so aggressive, that Casper was given a fortnight at most, so my wife and I were given the One decision, that all devoted pet owners absolutely dread!

    My wife has always been stronger than me in matters of this nature (She had cared for several dogs before, where Casper was my one and only!).

    I am unable to drive for medical reasons, plus we do not have transport of our own, so a very good friend of ours from Rye, took me and Casper to Surrey on 8.1.14, (I had to leave Casper there overnight so he could have a MRI examination.) but he had other commitments on 9.1.14, so he could not drive me to see the Vet on that day.

    Having made the absolutely necessary decision to have my Casper relieved of his, obvious suffering, I was unable to be with my baby (Yes, that is how I thought, and still do think, of my Casper!), when "The Procedure" was carried out, I find myself completely wracked with guilt, that I was unable to be with my baby, when he needed me!

    My wife, family and friend, were strongly opposed to my going anyway, as, strangely enough, was the Vet and his staff, who tended to Casper. (True, after I had arrived and was back with my Casper again, and the staff had completed what they needed to, they would have needed to call the Police to separate me from my baby!)

    The staff at The Fitzgerald were and are, absolutely magnificent, I know, it would have been both cruel and inhumane to extend my Casper's suffering for my own selfish reasons!

    So although I am now without my precious little BL, I hope you will not object to my sharing in the obvious natural joy, that my fellow Lab Lovers enjoy with their so precious and dear, boys and girls!
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: A Picture of My Casper.

    Oh! He looks like a lovely, lovely boy. A really kind labrador face. Perfect.
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: A Picture of My Casper.

    Love the one of him with the glasses on ;)
  4. Nicmorris

    Nicmorris Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Re: A Picture of My Casper.

    Ah what beautiful pictures.
    It is so hard when we lose our babies. I lost my old girl last June at 13 and it was a very difficult time, it must be so much harder when they are so young.
  5. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hi there.
    I would love to see your precious boy, but I can't see any pictures.

    Welcome to the forum, by the way :)
  6. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Welcome to the forum. It is great to have you here.

    It doesn't sound as if Casper could have been any more loved. I know he would have loved you back, every bit as much.

    I saw your photos of Casper in your other thread. He was a really beautiful dog.
  7. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hello,there,we've already met on your other thread xxx
    Casper would have had a wonderful life with you and known that he was loved very,very much.Im glad you had such caring vet staff at the difficult time you faced.
    This is a wonderful place to immerse yourself in all things Lab .......and many other things as well to be fair ;D some of the tangents we go off on entertain me immensely!
    Sending you,your wife and the rest of your family my very Best Wishes
    Angela x
  8. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hi, I am sorry for the traumatic time you have been through recently. I have had a few close calls with my 17 and 18 year old cats lately and I know I will probably be making difficult decisions about them in the not too distant future.
    I am waiting to get my puppy and spend a little while on the forum each day, looking at lovely photos and reading all about Labradors and what they are up to.
    You always find a friendly welcome here. I am sorry you are joining us with sad news but a big welcome to you anyway.
    You may feel guilty (I am sure that is what we'd all feel) but there was no way around it. Let the vet's words be of some comfort to you.
    I have also seen the photos of your lovely baby on the other thread, thanks for showing them :)
  9. Penny+Me

    Penny+Me Registered Users

    Dec 30, 2013
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hello and welcome to the forum!

    Sorry for the loss of your beloved Casper, I saw the photos in your other thread and he looked like a lovely boy.

    I hope you find this forum helpful. It's always hard when we lose a beloved pet as we always wonder if we could have done more, and if it was the right decision. But it sounds like you couldn't have given a Casper a more wonderful life and when his time came, you loved him enough to let him go in peace.
  10. MadMudMob

    MadMudMob Registered Users

    Dec 6, 2013
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    [​IMG] from a teeny tiny black 5 1/2 year old Lab known as The DivaDog
    and her pet human [​IMG]
  11. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hi there and welcome to the forum. Very sorry for your loss, and can understand completely having gone through it with two old dogs over the last few years.
  12. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    Re: Hello from Kent, in the United Kingdom.

    Hi from me and Molly. I've seen your photos and he looks such a beautiful boy. So sorry for your loss.

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