Hi. I have just joined the forum as I got a beautiful chocolate labrador puppy on Sunday. Her name is Maggie and she is nearly 10 weeks old. She is the first dog I've had since I was a child so I am probably going to need lots of help. I look forward to chatting to you all. Jo (South Wales)
Yakki Da (TERRIBLE spelling!) but hi and welcome. Congratulations on your new puppy! I am also a choc owner and she is my first dog since I was a child too. You can still write in sentences so must be getting sleep at nights! Looking forward to seeing and hearing more about Maggie.
Hi and welcome to you and Maggie. I'm also the slave to a gorgeous chocolate girl who is going on 14 months old. We're currently living in Normandy, France. Looking forward to hearing more about Maggie and seeing some lovely puppy photos.
Hi Jo and Maggie. Welcome to the forum. I have two Labs, nearly a year old now (this weekend). Shadow is a pale yellow boy and Willow is a black girl. They are my first ever puppies and first dogs in a long time. Luckily, there are loads of experienced people on here who will happily share their advice and encouragement - as well as a shoulder to cry on when things get difficult! We would love to see a photo of Maggie - I'm especially keen on seeing naked puppy bellies
Hello Jo and Maggie from Phil and Holly (yellow Lab). Welcome to the forum. We're also in South Wales (Monmouthshire) and there are a few of us who meet up every few weeks to walk our dogs together. Once Maggie's jabbed you'll be welcome to join us.
Welcome from me and Lilly up in Scotland. Check out the Technical & help section about posting the puppy porn. Hope things are going smoothly. jac
Welcome I too have a choco, along with 2 black labs. I've picked up loads of tips from the forum its been good so far but I've never managed to put up a photo and stuff like that i,m completely useless at that kind of stuff. Hope you aree getting some sleep.
I'm hoping this works 0121464e40b5752e73e89f417e10bc003272b8b7cc by Joanne Blunt, on Flickr 01bc7c2336948a97ff8736f5c8460ffa3cdd3d9530 by Joanne Blunt, on Flickr
Thanks for all your replies. We are doing really well. I was expecting sleepless nights but she hasn't cried once and seems to be settling in quickly. I've just got to crack the house training now. The breeder had already started working on it she's getting there.
She's lovely. Good to hear she's settling in well. House training will come, just think other as a baby that needs to be potty trained and you're not far wrong
Hi there, Maggie sounds like she has settled in really well.Dexter is our first dog and he is nearly 3 now. Welcome to the Forum Angela x