Hello, everyone! I have been lurking on the forums for a bit, working up the courage to finally join in and say hello. My baby girl, Izzie, just turned eight weeks today. She is so precious and has already brought such positivity to my life. My partner is still a bit on the fence about her, and he gets overwhelmed by her easily, but I'm pretty sure she's growing on him. I've never had a puppy before, although I grew up around dogs and occasionally helped my mom with her lab mix puppy. I'm an extremely anxious person and have so many worries about my beautiful little fuzzball. I will try to keep the panicking to a minimum. And the verbosity. I tried to make an intro thread a few days ago and had to scrap it because I kept oversharing and second-guessing everything. I've already learned a lot from browsing the threads here, and am looking forward to learning more! And hopefully being brave enough to comment on things sometimes. And ask for help. I'm pretty in over my head with such a tiny puppy.
Hello and welcome to you and Izzie from me and Lilly! Aww..that's cute It's so easy to be anxious and uncertain with pups when they are so tiny. Just like babies really. If you haven't already, I would suggest investing in The Happy Puppy Handbook by Pippa Mattinson. A whole load of really great information. jac
Hi and welcome from me and 3 year old girl, Harley. She's my first ever dog and I love it. I wish I found this forum before I brought her home as there is so much support and information available. Look forward to hearing more about you and Izzie
Hi there, or should I say, Howdy! Welcome here from Simba and I. We live waaay up north in the Texas of Canada (Alberta ). So glad you jumped in to say hi. There's lot of support to be found here, and someone is usually around to answer questions, so don't be afraid of asking them! We would love to see pics of your fuzzball, of course
Hello and welcome to the forum! We always love seeing pictures of puppies, so feel free to share more!
Thank you all for the warm welcome! I will definitely look into getting more pictures to share (she is incredibly difficult to photograph, heh). And I have in fact invested in the Happy Puppy Handbook, as well as Total Recall, through recommendations seen on this forum. Still working my way through it. I'm very excited to be here.
Welcome from Hattie 9 years and our rescue boy Charlie 6 years. Good luck with training Izzie and Pippa's books will definitely help x
Welcome! And ooooooooo yes I know this feeling - Pongo is our first dog and for the first year I spent every waking minute worrying about him.... usually COMPLETELY inappropriately. I'm quite sure my family thought I had finally lost my marbles. Three years on and I am slightly less obsessive about him....slightly.... This forum is the best ever place to come and vent, share worries (and yes, over-share if you like, we don't mind), and be reassured that all is normal and well. Looking forward to seeing you around!
Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Mollie Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's three years old. Tatze means 'paw' in German. Mollie is my fourth Guide Dog puppy, a black Lab and she's seventeen weeks old. Welcome to a very dog obsessed world - we WILL understand! Photos, of course, are a requirement ...
Hi from Holly and me in Monmouth,Wales. Holly is our third lab and we both had dogs before we married 33 years ago. With all this experience of dogs we still forget how demanding puppies can be for their first few months! I'm sure that your little fuzzball will keep you busy! Whereabouts in Texas are you? I have family in San Antonio and visit them from time to time.
Hello Verala & Izzie from me & Coco on the Isle of Man. Any time you feel panicky about you puppy, do come & post - there's always someone to offer some much needed advice or comfort. It's a lovely safe space here.
Hello and welcome to you and Lzzie from my two Fred, Annie and me here in Cheshire. Have you any photos of your puppy for us to look at?