Hello, nice to meet you and I'd like to introduce Gus!

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Gus-Bus, May 26, 2021.

  1. Gus-Bus

    Gus-Bus Registered Users

    May 26, 2021
    Meath, Ireland
    Hi there,

    My family and I have become the proud guardians of "Gus" in January this year, Gus is now 7 months old and adjusting well to our family life. We have had a few teething problems.. literally in that Gus is a huge chewer! but overall he's an extremely friendly pup, loves people, other dogs and is very good natured.

    It's great to be part of this forum and I find it very helpful, often pulling my hair out until I see lots of other people in the same boat as myself!

    Looking forward to hopefully lots of years of reading, sharing stories and getting lots of good advice from fellow Labrador owners

    Kind regards
    Deboragh likes this.
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    A very warm welcome to the forum to you and Gus!
  3. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    Hello and welcome. I think they get very chewy at this age. I think its the end stage of their tooth development. Meg chewed hard at this age, but it passed. She is 7 now and have never had any issues since that teenage phase. She loves shoes, but just carries them and dleeps on them, she has never chewed one. Have a read of all the old threads, there are lots of top tips and similar situations to you.

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