Re: Hello I was worried Rachel bcoz his littermate luks more bustier than him at this stage I thought may be I'm not feeding him much I give him tonic for his coat nd skin to improve nd also for his growth nd bone health
Re: Hello Puppies from the same litter can be a different build. Plus, is it possible that the litter-mate is a little bit too fat? That could be a reason for the difference. Cooper really does look fine to me. I would be happy with his appearance if he was my pup.
Re: Hello Rachel Karen nd Angela thank u so much guys....hw long should Cooper sleep after every meal he sleeps is tat ok once he wakes up he is overly excited if I put him to calm down outside he whines to be let in even after we feed him nd sit to have our meals this happens wat do I do
Re: Hello Teena Ann ,I posted a while back because I was worried Dexter was sleeping too much through the day...... He sleeps a lot of the day to be honest but he gets a good amount of excercise .how are you exercising Cooper?Dex is older than Cooper but I make sure he has 3 walks and a couple of training sessions a not saying thats what you have got to do ,thats just what works for us.Its so hot here that I think outside excercise takes a lot of energy out of the dogs so I'm considering it normal in my case.If Cooper is being exercised enough and it's as hot with you there I don't think it matters if he sleeps a lot.You say he's hyper when he wakes.......what's he doing,is it more than puppy energy? I'm lucky I haven't had much whining....only a little when he went through a period of waking early and whining to get out of his crate.I waited until he stopped for just a few seconds and during the silence I let him I wasn't rewarding the whining.I posted about this because it wasn't working ;D after a couple of times,I just told him very firmly Quiet Dexter and he never did it again!cheeky!Another member might be able to help you with your's hard when you are wanting to have your meal.If he is fed,has water, is comfortable and safe maybe you could just try and suffer it for a couple of times?that might not be the right advice but if he is only doing it for attention then he is being rewarded if you let him in.Sorry,sometimes I don't feel helpful but I really want you to be ok with Cooper x
Re: Hello It looks like Cooper loves water... Perhaps you can give him a BIG bowl of water, like a baby bath or paddling pool, to play in?
Re: Hello Please help Cooper is growling lyk an aggressive dog wen he gets hold of our clothes nd if we try to remove it from his mouth is this normal nd he is very overexcited runs lyk a mad dog y does he bark at us wen we try to correct him or speak wid him he barks at us while preparing his meal even thou it's not yet tym for his meal wat to do pls help
Re: Hello Yes karen he loves water he tries to drink water from our aquarium too even thou we keep water for him it's hot here in India wat if he catches cold or other infections if he keeps doin it he chewed of my mobile charger nd ripped up d paper I need to get him more chew toys will tat help him to stop this behaviour
Re: Hello Labs love water Teena, so give him as much as you can, especially if it's hot. Something he can get into will be fun for him. Teena, listen to me - COOPER IS NOT AN AGGRESSIVE DOG. He is a baby. All puppies chew things up and get bored with their toys. He is barking and growling to get your attention to play. When he barks, growls or pulls at your clothes, say 'NO!!', and turn away. Make sure you make lots of fuss of him when he is being good and quiet, so he understands that is what you want.
Re: Hello Yes Karen but my mom feels lyk tat thou I try to make her understand we always end up head butting each other I'm jus thinking wat would be Cooper's reaction wen my dad comes as my dad works abroad nd comes once a year hope he behaves well my dad loves well behaved dogs nd also u knw wat wen we catch Cooper carrying things in his mouth which he shouldn't he runs nd hides so tat we Don't take tat away from him it's hilarious sometimes it's hard to figure out if he is angry or happy he is very stubborn sometimes mom has to startle him wid a stick to correct him
Re: Hello Did you read this article Teena? It explains how normal Cooper's behaviour is. Teena, I wonder why you are so worried that Cooper might be aggressive? Are other members of your family worried too? If so, can you get them to read the articles here on biting? It might reassure them. Here is the important thing to remember: All puppies bite, bark, and growl ferociously when playing. It is completely normal They pull and tug and clothing, nip at fingers and make very fierce noises whilst they do so. This is completely normal too. And is not a sign of aggression. [size=10pt]All this fierce growling and biting is always worse when the puppy is overexcited or when people play with the puppy in a physical way.[/size] You, or other family members are probably overexciting the puppy. This is normal, and most families do this to a certain extent. Instead of playing with the puppy, spend your time together training with treats, or, quietly stroking and calming him. Talk in a soothing, quiet way. Try not to worry so much, and enjoy your puppy ;D ;D
Re: Hello This is very common behaviour and is caused by you failing to reward Cooper for coming to you and bringing things to you. If you teach him to retrieve as I explained in a previous post, this problem will go away He is happy. Puppies do not get angry. They are either happy, or afraid Teena, he is not stubborn, he is just not trained yet. You can train him to do what you want. Start with simple commands. Use the articles on the main site to help you. This is very sad. Three month old puppies do not need to be corrected. I appreciate this is difficult for you, but you need to be a 'go-between' for Cooper and explain to your mother how modern dog training works. There are some very simple and straightforward explanations on this website If your mother uses a stick on Cooper, he will run away from people, hide from them, and you will lose your 'recall' In other words, you won't be able to get Cooper to come when you call him. He will end up 'half-wild' and your family will soon get fed up with him. Something I fear may be happening already You can turn this around Teena, if you try. Start training your puppy now, and show your family how clever he is and how willing he is to learn. [size=18pt]IMPORTANT VIDEO [/size] You may find it easier to learn from videos. Please watch this video all the way through from beginning to end. Please show it to your family There are lots more great videos on this website.
Re: Hello I read nd understood this Pippa I'm explaining to my parents tat he will grow out of it but they r worried ur articals r really great nd helpful thank u for tat did u see Cooper's recent photos hw does he luk pls give me ur suggestions Angela Karen nd other forum members r really helping me I'm finding it difficult to train him to walk on lead nd if I'm goin to get an harness wat should I be luking for it one more thing Pippa hw do I keep him entertained as he ain't playing wid his toys I have not taken him for walks on d road as of now except I'm my terrace should I take him now or aftr he gets his rabies shot nxt week
Re: Hello Hey Pippa tdy Cooper behaved in d most embarrassing way he got hold of my legs nd tried to mate is this normal he has neva behaved lyk this earlier I'm surprised wat should I do
Re: Hello He he Teena! I'm surprised he hasn't done it before - its PERFECTLY normal!! It can be embarrassing though. I'm not sure if you have seen other posts about it where we refer to it as "humping" :-[ Lilly did this to us too and she is a girl!! Not as bad as our last rabbit Willie though ;D Mostly they grow out of this too. Like other things, a gentle push down and a NO would be my response. Jac
Re: Hello Hi jac long tym hw u been.. Y do they do this is this bcoz of the hormones or bcoz they r growing
Re: Hello Hi teena I have been on holidays. Doing good but Lilly is missing her playmate now she is back home with us - she stays with my sister in law who also has a dog when we are away. I don't exactly know why dogs "hump". I guess its hormones and growing up together but it is quite normal! Like any other behaviour you don't like you just need to be patient in training to stop. They grow out of it to a point - until they become teenagers ;D Don't worry it is perfectly normal, honestly. Jac
Re: Hello Oh tats a relief I'm training him wid d come nd stay command hw do I knw if he is dominating me