
Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Teena Ann, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Hey Karen can I ask u wat u feed ur pup nd d time interval btw each meal Cooper drinks milk at 6.30 am nd at abt 10am he is given pedigree for lunch at 2nd he has d
    same pedigree wid milk nd at 5pm in d evening he drinks milk nd for dinner at around 9pm he has pedigree pls give me ur advice on my feeding I still feel is not putting on weight
  2. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello

    I would slowly cut down on the milk until you are giving him four meals a day of only pedigree, with water to drink. I would feed him a little earlier, so he can do his toilet before going to bed - maybe 06:30, 11:00, 15:00, and 19:00. Now he has been de-wormed he will probably start putting on a bit more weight.

    My pup is older, but when she was little I fed her kibble (like your pedigree) four times a day. Then when she got a little bigger (around 10 weeks) I only gave her three meals, and once she was about 5 months I started only feeding her two meals a day. Now she is grown up she still gets two meals a day. :D
  3. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    His hunger is not satisfied even thou I feed him 4 times is it normal
  4. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello

    Yes, that is completely normal. Labrador puppies are very greedy!!! Read the instructions on the packet - does it say how much to feed?
  5. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Yes Karen feeding instructions r given in d pack I'll follow tat I have not started any training as yet due to his health reasons does this make him a disobedient nd mannerless dog tat doesn't listen if I start d training late :( he sleeps all day but is active wen he wakes up I jus want him to be a obedient dog say dad has given me d responsibility to make him obedient nd well mannered he loves dogs
  6. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Hello

    Maybe he needs a little more food to "catch up" and once he gets to looking perfect then you can reduce it slightly again. Don't forget he is growing, so his food does need to increase as he grows.

    Re the brown on his coat, do you comb him regularly? It might just be dead hair which needs combed/brushed out.

    I think you will see a great improvement in him now since he has been wormed.

  7. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    hopefully Stacia d coat is getting better ur ryt abt d food Nice meeting u hope ur dog is doin gud
  8. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello

    [quote author=Teena Ann link=topic=1708.msg13278#msg13278 date=1371563608]
    Yes Karen feeding instructions r given in d pack I'll follow tat I have not started any training as yet due to his health reasons does this make him a disobedient nd mannerless dog tat doesn't listen if I start d training late :( he sleeps all day but is active wen he wakes up I jus want him to be a obedient dog say dad has given me d responsibility to make him obedient nd well mannered he loves dogs

    Your Dad is right Teena, this is a great responsibility that you have. But at the moment Cooper is just a baby. It will take a few months to start to make him into a well-mannered dog! Just be patient with him at first, he loves you and will learn from you, even if you have to start proper training a bit late. But even though you don't realize it, you are training him all the time - teaching him to follow you, and to listen for your voice. The fact that he sleeps all the day is because he is still such a baby. He needs his sleep.
  9. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Hey guys can u tell me abt jumping of pups on strangers nd on family members hw do I stop this is nd is this bcoz he is aggressive nd angry will it continue as he grows up is this normal I'm worried bcoz I have not started my training I fear my pup would become aggressive.he is always sleeping in water will he get sick bcoz of this...pls send me ur advice nd commen ???ts sry if I'm troubling u guys
  10. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Re: Hello

    Hi Teena,
    Jumping up is normal, and you need to teach your puppy not to do it.

    Here is a link to some articles about all sorts of normal puppy behaviour. Including jumping up. Watch the video at the bottom of the jumping up article.

    In each case, you need to teach your puppy how to behave

    This is a gradual process.

    Read the articles and let us know if there is anything you don't understand :D

  11. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Hey Pippa,
    My pup Cooper sits nd watches me have my meals nd if I Don give him to eat from my plate he barks is it k nd normal nd he is keen in wetting himself nd sleeps wid water all over his coat wat to do to prevent it
  12. Karen

    Karen Registered Users

    May 24, 2012
    Re: Hello

    Do NOT give him food from your plate. Every time he barks and you feed him, you are rewarding him for barking!! You will just have to ignore his barking or put him in another room while you eat - he will soon learn that barking at you doesnt get him food, and then he will stop.

    If he likes to sleep in water, it is probably because he is hot. Make sure he sleeps somewhere cool.
  13. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Teena Ann,I think it's Cooper just being a puppy again.......Labradors love food.Pippa mentioned you have to teach him things...he won't do it by himself,you are like his parent now so you have guide him and teach him what is acceptable and unacceptable.
    I had a similar problem in that I was determined that I didn't want a dog sitting at the table begging/asking for our food i wanted him to go and lie on his bed at our meal times.so when Dexter arrived as soon as our time came to eat I told him to go to his bed.... he didn't know what that meant ,how could he,he just pushed over to see what we had on our plates!so I had to teach him.I started doing it during the day when there was none of our food around.at first when he didn't know what I meant I went and stood by his bed.....he followed me,he got a treat,when this was successful,I held the treat over his bed...he followed the treat and as soon as he was on his bed I said,on your bed and let have him his treat and lots of praise,good boy,clever boy..I practiced this with him many,many times...it's not learned immediately...now at meal times,he mostly just goes and gets on his bed because he has learned this is what is expected from him at meal times .....but if he doesn't,I say on your bed to make him understand that's what I want...or we go right back to the beginning and I go and stand by his bed and he does a big sigh and follows me over....sometimes it's like that,right back to the beginning again!
    In my limited experience,everything just takes repeat,repeat,repeat,little steps towards what you want ,rewarding and praising and patience from you.....we've had Dexter 3.5 months now,i do training with him everyday. believe me when i say i am not an expert or very good at it,i just keep remembering he can only know what we want if we teach him.if Cooper doesn't do what you want him to do its only because he doesn't understand yet,but he will if you keep trying.
    I don't know what other members think of my methods,it's all a bit put together from advice,reading and a lot of just me finding my own way with my lovely dog..but trust me when I say if I can do it,YOU can do it.have confidence and patience.
    The water thing......do you think he is hot?i live in Dubai,it's now currently 40 degrees,I know how hot it gets in India and do I remember right you said that he is living outside.......always,always make sure he has water to drink,if he's strong enough to tip his bowl up can you weigh it down with something heavy?if he is outside please make sure he has shade to take shelter from the sun.part of his personality may be he just likes water....many dogs do,have you got a hose or watering can that you could just do some water play with him?that might be a nice thing for you to do with him to build your bond and trust with him....and it would keep him cool?i give dexter ice cubes to play with and I freeze some chicken stock flavored water in small tubs with different toys in,Cooper might like these especially if he is hot.
    Hope what I have written is ok for you to understand .....anything you aren't sure please ask me,and just remember I'm not an expert at all,bye for now Angela x
  14. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Teena Ann ,I'm back,sorry I always feel like I give you so many words to read ;)but I think about you and Cooper a lot :)

    I was just thinking,have you had a look at dog training on YouTube ?you need to be careful as there are some better clips and trainers than others but it may help you to see how training can be broken down Into small steps you can succeed with bit by bit.....just an idea.

    And I also forgot to add ,which Karens post reminded me ,is that we have a child gate on our kitchen and sometimes our Dexter just gets shoved in there!sometimes in our life there isn't the time so he just gets separated from the behavior we don't want until there is the time for us to teach him we don't want it later!and that just makes me human I hope! X
  15. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Thank u Angela nd Karen love d wat u guys help me I have not started my training yet bcoz is is not well no matter wat he does I enjoy evry bit of him even now I'm out nd left him in d care of my frnd but my heart is at home all d tym thinking wat he might be doin ::) I Don knw wat treat to give him him since it's hot he sleeps indoors during d day but licks d floor is this normal as he is sleeping keeps sniffing around wen I call he comes but bites I love nd enjoy these things he does
  16. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Can't help with the floor licking ???....unless its something about him being thirsty?im learning dogs do funny things...sometimes just because they are dogs! ;D just make sure he has got lots of water to drink x
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Hello

    The Kikopup clips on YouTube are very good :)

    I agree that time-out (behind a baby gate or in a safe, small room) can be a very useful technique. Obi got 'timed out' this evening for barking barking barking at his reflection in the kitchen window.... He was just hyped up. After the brief time-out (a few minutes) he went to his bed and fell asleep - the time-out helped him to stop and settle down.

    Teena, to train a dog or change its behaviour you have to think about why the dog is doing what it is doing. Dogs do things because they are rewarding - because they get something they like. If your pup sees you eating and barks and you feed him then he is more likely to bark next time you eat in the hope of being fed again. After all, it worked once, so it should work again - that's what he is thinking. To stop the barking, take away the reward (don't feed him). Don't even speak to him. He will learn that barking brings him nothing worthwhile at all. There is no point to it and eventually he will stop it. At first, though, he may bark harder than before - he thinks you haven't heard his message so he better shout extra loud! Don't give in, though. Don't feed, talk to or touch him. Wait till he is quiet, and then you can talk to him or pat him. Only do what he likes when he is doing what you like.

    For treats, just use little tiny pieces of any kind of food that he likes. You can just use some of his kibble.
  18. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    I Don feed him while I'm having my meals Rachel I feel sad but he keeps luking at me wid his sad eyes I have to harden my heart but I'm gonna follow ur advice nd make sure he does I lyk to get his reward nd can u post an article as to hw to train him to walk on leash
  19. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Oh Teena Ann... In my experience.....one of the hardest things....Dexter was older than Cooper so I'm not sure how you start,but I can say we still haven't cracked this without pulling,and I wonder if we ever will :-\
    Have a look on YouTube to see if there is any kind of intro to lead walking...don't want to sound like I'm fobbing you off but it's out of my experience.....sorry x
  20. Teena Ann

    Teena Ann Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2013
    Re: Hello

    Hey it's k u r more helpful than ever thank u so much, pls send me a photo of Dex I would love to meet him

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