Greetings from Southwest US! My husband and I have an older Beagle / Jack Russell mix, who we rescued about a year and a half ago, and we just added a Golden Retriever puppy to our family! I know neither of my girls are Labs, but since Goldens and Labs have certain similarities, I'm hoping to learn more about the Retriever breeds through this forum I'm excited to participate in the discussions and learn more from other dog owners!
Hello Anna and team from me and Xena in Wellington, NZ. Goldens and Labs are cut from the same cloth personality-wise so you'll fit right in! A JR/Beagle sounds like a mighty handful, though, I don't know how you do it What are their names?
Welcome Anna from my non Labradors Hattie 10 year old Labradoodle and our rescue boy Charlie 7 years a Labrador x German Pointer. We live in Hampshire, UK. All breeds are welcome here, we love them all xx