Hi All! Long time lurker, first time poster! I currently have 5 home bred working labs. They are much loved pets and enjoy beating, picking up and trialling in the season, and doing a few tests out of season. I've followed this forum for a number of years, but only just joined to be able to post.
Hello 5labs! It's good to have you getting stuck in (even if I am amazed that you ever found time with such a busy house!) I'm sure you've got lots of experience to share
Thanks Sarah! I work from home a lot so am tied to a computer for a good few hours a day during the week. It does get a little manic here- I have a 2 other labs staying at the moment and two bitches in season so spending the days swaping them round! At the moment there are 4 intact boys frantially sniffing around the garden, three girls crashed out at my feet in the kitchen and two pups in crates next to me. Obviously the boys can't go out with the girls, and the pups can't walk as far as the big dogs so having to do three separate walks. FUN FUN FUN! I am fortunate that they are all very well behaved; they have to be when you have a few