Hi there, My name is Dano, I have a 13 week old yellow lab pup named Gus. He is very smart and energetic but he tendS to have a few times a day when he is biting at my wrists and legs. I try to get him into a calm down location but sometimes he bites down quite hard and I can’t get away from him. This behavior often happens during fetch, the end of a walk, or when I am wearing loose clothing. Why is my lab puppy more like a shark?
Hi Dano, Welcome the the forum Puppy biting is completely normal - just pop it in the search bar of this website, and you'll see that you're far from alone! It's a way of getting attention, and a form of play - this article on our main site has some great coping strategies. The good news is that Gus will grow out of it in the next month or so, so hang in there!