HELP Labrador Wakes Me Up Barking

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by forresthunter, May 11, 2020.

  1. forresthunter

    forresthunter Registered Users

    May 11, 2020
    Robin(small British lab) wakes me up barking around 7 - once she hears me up she stops and stays quite until 9 when I let her out of kennel and put her outside- feed her at 10- she barks at no other time - got her 2 month ago - she will be 2 this summer - training coming along fine - stay, come, sit, heel - will start blood trailing next month but have to stop this waking me up- please help
  2. Shadow

    Shadow Registered Users

    Feb 7, 2019
    Sacramento, California
    My Labrador barked around 7AM in the morning and I simply let her out and fed her. Now not so much anymore probably because I get her up while she's still asleep at 5:30 AM, put her outside and feed her.
  3. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    I'm assuming your dog is in an outdoor kennel. Barking in kennels is really common and hard to stop. Especially if the dog is kenneled alone. The fact that she stops when she hears you get up suggests she is just barking because she is lonely.

    To stop this becoming a habit, your best bet may be to bring her indoors for the night.
    Edp likes this.

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