You are right sometimes he shows as if he's learning and i'll feel so happy and sometimes he'll behave as if he's not into anything Like today i went to market and left him alone in my room for 2 hours and when came back he was clean no wee/poop and i took him out and he did his stuff. Then he went again in 20 mins and then just after i played with him a little and saw his food coming and did wee inside the room only So slowly and gradually i think we'll be there As far as his croco phase is concerned he's a little calm since last 2 days. His shots will be over in 2 weeks and then i'll start taking him out.
Ya i was advised that earlier as well so i keel my gate closed but when gets opened when maid comes and cleans it. and its the time when he goes out on his own. During day i always try and be there with him but during night since he's not sleeping in crate and sleeps on his bed or floor so this process gets difficult and he wees inside as i m sleep that time and cant supervise. I do wake up once to take him out but even then mistakes happen. How can i correct things here at night?
This is where crates are very helpful indeed, but if you're not using one, I would try to make an area that he can't get out of, no bigger than his bed. It will act in the same way as a crate, because he won't want to toilet in his bed. You will have to get up more frequently, too. At 9 weeks, I was still getting up approximately every three hours or so (to an alarm) to take Willow out for a wee, and increasing this by 15 minutes a night if there were no accidents. I then had a while where she had a poorly tummy, so I slept in the living room with her so I could let her out as soon as she woke. It's a tiring time, but it doesn't last long in the grand scheme of things, and you really want to make sure you don't allow going inside to become a habit, because then it will be a lot more difficult to break. Good luck!
Right will try and make some space for him to stay overnight and will wake up every 3 hrs....hope this helps!! Thanks!'
I was recently at the Guide Dog Breeding Centre. They quite literally stand over the pups while they eat and the second they stop eating they are put outside. The more diligent you are, the quicker they will train.
Yes - and they arrive with us puppy walkers at seven weeks old almost toilet trained! Twiglet knew exactly what to do in the spending area and it only took another week for her to be very reliable. Now she will wee on command in the spending area and on her lead. She takes herself out for poos. If the door is shut, she sits by it and cries. It's hard to believe until you witness it! I am trying to train her to ring a bell with hangs by the back door. Here is the bell, she just plays with it at the moment, but when toiletting becomes less urgent I will get her to nose it before taking her out
Awwww twiglet is soo adorable You are really lucky to get her house trained so early. As for me this seems a bit time taking