Help please! Puppy suddenly jumping and biting on walk.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Poppy2606, Sep 12, 2019.

  1. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    I am beginning to think that Poppy and Luna are siblings! Luna isn't 6 months until 11th December so we are running a month behind you but having the same issues!

    In the last couple of days she has started pulling like a train. I am beginning to think that things now smell different in the cold weather as she is doing it on the normal walks too.

    Wouldn't be without her but damn she is a little diva!
  2. leighxxxx

    leighxxxx Registered Users

    May 29, 2018
    Kyko is 99% of the time a dream at loose lead walking, until we go to an unfamiliar place, even just walking on the opposite side of the road to where we normally walk can send him into a pulling, sniffing frenzy. We were going for our first weekend away with him a few weeks back & in preparation I started taking him on unfamiliar routes. While we were away his walking was great most of the time, the steps to the beach were too much for him to handle but then again there was hundreds of dogs up and down them to get to the beach, and we kept meeting dogs while we were on them. Kyko is over excited by dogs so it took us a LONG time to make it onto the beach :rolleyes:
    Poppy2606 and Christina2807 like this.
  3. Poppy2606

    Poppy2606 Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2019

    Soul sisters !! Poppy is ok on the walk to the park, she does pull as soon as we get close to the park so it’s a lot of stop and go as we stop anytime she pulls .

    but gosh take her anywhere new and she is a nightmare !!!! She doesn’t listen, doesn’t care for treats she just wants to pull like crazy?!!
    Christina2807 likes this.
  4. Poppy2606

    Poppy2606 Registered Users

    Sep 12, 2019
    Sounds like poppy except the 99% of the time . She is ok on the walk to the park. She pulls closer we get to the park though as she knows where we are going, so it’s a lot of stop and go as we stop and make her sit and wait when she pulls!!
    But god anywhere new and she is crazy, just pulling and she tries to run and pull all excited while on the lead. She doesn’t care about treats or anything it’s hard to take her anywhere! I’m hoping as she gets older she might calm down a bit. But we are planning to try take her on small walks to new places and slowly get her used to it ! I just worry because we live in the city centre of Edinburgh so there’s a lot of cars around (no cars on the walk to the park) so if just makes me so worried she will break the lead or something !!
    leighxxxx likes this.
  5. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Luna knows when she is close to the park too and wow the excitement!
    Luna sometimes gets zoomies when she is out and gets too excited so trying to calm and control her is interesting to say the least!

    I see you live in the centre of Edinburgh. We are in Perth city centre and its hard with all the rubbish/food on the paths and having to sit and wait to cross the road but Luna is getting better.
    We have a strong collar and lead, my husband and I pulled it between us to make sure if could withstand the resistance.
    leighxxxx likes this.
  6. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    Ooh lucky you my favourite uk city.
  7. Outi Lehtinen

    Outi Lehtinen Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2020
    Hi Poppy, it would be nice to hear from you again! Has the jumping and biting diminished and how are you coping with exciting situations now? I am having really similar problems with out 5 months old Hilda lab. Lately she hasn't been pestering my husband much, but I have a hard time trusting her and am not able to go on long walks anywhere far. Hoping this will pass and I will be able to enjoy long walks.

    In Finland there are not many places to let dogs loose especially in the city where we live, so walking on leash is the only way to give the dog some exercise if you don't want to take the car and drive somewhere more peaceful.
  8. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Hi Outi,

    Try to find out what her triggers are. Luna was worse if we went out before meal times as she was hungry, and if she knew what way we were going so try mix it up a bit.
    It is definitely a phase but a very sore and embarrassing one! As soon as she started acting up I would end the walk and play time and head straight home with no interaction with her and ignored the behaviour. Once she was walking nice I would praise and give her a treat.

    She is now 14 months and is very responsive to my 'this way' and 'wait' and knows what is expected of her and wants to do well. Just now try not to use a retractable lead and use a shorter one so that you are more in control and she is next to you.

    Good luck!
  9. Aravind

    Aravind Registered Users

    Aug 2, 2020
    I have very similar problems with my 11 wk old little boy. He is mostly sweet and calm, but when he is on the way back home from walks, he gets very jumpy and bitey - will try some of the tips on this thread.
    Outi Lehtinen likes this.
  10. Outi Lehtinen

    Outi Lehtinen Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2020
    Christina2807 likes this.
  11. Outi Lehtinen

    Outi Lehtinen Registered Users

    Aug 23, 2020
    Hope it goes well!

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