Help Please.

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Jrasch, Jan 31, 2017.

  1. Jrasch

    Jrasch Registered Users

    Jan 4, 2017
    Dover, NH
    I am driving my self crazy trying to play with my 11 week puppy. I try and play with her after work but I just can't do anything to keep her attention long enough to play. She will start playing tug of war a little with the rope toy then gets distracted and will try and bit my cloths or me, or goes to the table. Yuck and Green apple doesn't seem to keep her from chewing anything. I trying playing with a ball she will chase it for a min or two and then again back to my cloths or table. Nothing seems to keep her attention. I have been working on Sit but after a few times she will start to bark and I stop as to not reward the barking as I think she just wants the treat. She has been jumping up on my table I try saying down and when she gets down give her a treat to teach that but now it seems she will jump up and get down instantly thinking that is the trick for the treat. I live in the US in New England and it is currently 28 degrees out so going out side for long on the ice isn't something to play on. Any help would be appreciated trying to tire her out at night is starting to become challenging.

  2. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Your puppy is a baby and doesn't have much concentration (if any!) at that age. Have you tried a cardboard box stuffed with newspaper in which you have hidden a few treats, that keeps puppies amused for ages; also an empty plastic bottle, they love to bat that round the house. These two things will use up some energy as you say you cannot take her out on the ice at the moment.

    I found the first 6 months was the worst for playing in the evenings and then all of a sudden they will sleep during the evening! Have you tried clicker training? I would advise buying The Happy Puppy Handbook by Pippa Mattinson, you will find it very helpful. Puppies are hard work but fortunately it doesn't last too long.
  3. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Have you tried any brain games with her? Such as hiding treats around the house for her to sniff out - starting in easy places and then getting slightly harder? One of Bailey's favourite games was an old muffin tin that I put a mix of treats and kibble into each of the holes then covered them with tennis balls. Bailey had to work out that he had to lift off the balls to get at the treats/food. He still loves this game now at 11 months old.
  4. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    At 11 weeks she is really a baby and has no concentration. You need to do very, very short games / training with her. They learn really quickly how to get treats so you could play some games with her like teaching paw, touch, through your legs and then sit by your side etc. Don't expect too much from her at this age.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    This is 100% normal.

    I am on my fifth puppy (I puppy walk for Guide Dogs) and they ALL do it.

    Make your room puppy proof. Don't expect any kind of attention span at first, it gets gradually longer.

    Have lots of different toys - some hard, some soft, some for tuggy, some for chasing.

    And read and re-read this excellent advice (the whole site in fact!).


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