This morning my 6 month old puppy has ate some foam, about 1.5inch square. It is very thin and flexible. She isn't struggling to breath and hasn't been sick. I googled it and stressing about blockages and internal damage now. She is normally so good and doesn't eat things and drops when told but this must have been too good to resist. Should I take her to the vet or wait and see if it passes? It was about 6.25am this morning so nearly 2 hours ago. She had breakfast at 5.50am so will have a full stomach with it - will this help it pass through okay?
It's a bit difficult to say for sure, but at 6 months her intestines might be big enough to pass it naturally. (My Weimaraner once ate a Kong frog - made for toy dogs - which I gave her to carry for one second whilst I unlocked the door of our house - and it made it out ok!) However, since she just ate it 2 hours ago, it may still be in her stomach - which means that it might be possible to make her vomit to bring it up, rather than needing surgery to remove it... So I think it would be a good idea to give your vet a call and explain what happened and ask their opinion.