HELP! Puppy peeing at door!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Labracadabra, Aug 27, 2021.

  1. Labracadabra

    Labracadabra Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2021
    As the title suggests, we have a serious issue with our 10 week old puppy peeing at the doorstep. We take her out hourly or even more frequently, often without result. When I take her out in the day she just sits on the ground or lies down, no matter how long I wait. She gets lots of treats and praise if she does go. What is happening has happened every day for the last four days, I take her to lawn, she lies down and refuses to move, I go inside to attend to something, she stands up against the door and pees. Although in the last instance I was actually still outside with her when she went to the door and stood up with her paws against it and peed! This seems like complete madness. I have read that I shouldn't clean it in front of her to avoid giving her attention, but that is pretty difficult when the front doorstep is covered in pee! Worse still she wanders around in the mess and spreads it further. She is very resistant to being in her pen without someone close by and throws herself against the sides, so we are at a loss as to where to put her when we have something to urgently attend to. Outside for a few moments seemed a lot better than the pen, but now she has taken to the doorstep urination we are unsure. We are putting all efforts into crate training as it seems that she may need to be crated unless fully supervised, but so far she is unhappy in there unless the door is open. Is there anything I have overlooked here? Have we given her too much freedom by allowing her in parts of the house and garden?
  2. Chris N

    Chris N Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2021
    So been up since 04.00 as pups generally speaking have small bladders. Lol. This means short answers and straight to the point.

    Would you call that serious?
    It's still outside. Not like she's going against a sofa or anything.

    What are you using to clean it? Anything with Ammonia in will just encourage her to go in that spot.

    When you say outside every hour Im assuming garden? She really doesn't need to go that much. It's closer too every three hours.
    10 weeks should have had her shots yes?
    Take her for short walks.

    It could be she currently doesn't feel safe on her own. Gradually exposing her to being in a different room to you long term will help.

    A Pen in my mind is useless. They out grow them quickly..
    large crate good bed. Pop in when she's tired. She will soon get use too it. Are pup sometimes makes the choice him self.
  3. Labracadabra

    Labracadabra Registered Users

    Aug 7, 2021
    Are you serious? If you can't see any problem with your dog regularly urinating over the front door step which is being regularly traversed in a busy household, then we obviously live very different lives. Good luck to you and your dog.
  4. Ivypup

    Ivypup Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2021
    Hi, at 10 weeks I was taking my (now 12 weeks) pup out every 20-30 mins. Everytime she has a wee I say "quick quick" and praise, and very quickly she learnt to have a wee rather than sit on the lawn and just look cute!!
    She may be going on the doorstep as she just needs a bit more confidence outside. Perhaps something has scared her? Crates do help with house training. You're pup may feel more secure in a crate than an open pen?
    I don't think you're doing anything wrong, it's just a matter of finding out what is best for your pup.
    Cleaning up pee in front of her is not a problem! Just don't reprimand her.
  5. Chris N

    Chris N Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2021
    I'm saying it's outside your half way there.

    Cleaning products that contain Ammonia if anything will encourage them to go in the same spot.
    Ever noticed all dogs seem to use the same post to go against? It's the ammonia in the urine.

    Medieval huntsman took advantage of that. A stick and bunch of stones outside the kennel for them to go against. Took it with them on the hunt at night they put it out away from the tents. They used that spot.
    Annamarie Gebar likes this.
  6. Chris N

    Chris N Registered Users

    Jul 30, 2021
    Oh this is my I admit first puppy but dog number five. When you have a Rottie and Boxer deciding to go against wooden furniture, it becomes a problem. Had too get rid of the furniture and carpet.
  7. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    As Chris mentioned, you probably are taking her out too much.
    Are you rewarding her for peeing in her”spot”? I trained Sophie to pee in one area and she got treated for that. Now, she owes on that spot often on demand.

    try bringing a rope toy out and when she sits down, throw the toy to get her to move. Keep doing that and maybe the movement will get her to pee.

    Another option is get a small outdoor pen and have that be her pee spot. Put her in there until she goes.

    Sophie is 17 weeks snd I still have problems with her suddenly plopping in the ground snd refusing to move. I’m teaching her “come” and “let’s go” but when she doesn’t get it, throwing a toy or branch always gets her moving!

    I’ve found with puppies you sometimes have to be creative as they all don’t respond the same to certain training styles and techniques.
  8. Annamarie Gebar

    Annamarie Gebar Registered Users

    Jul 4, 2021
    Also Forgot to mention, don’t say anything when she lees at the door. You may be inadvertently marking that behavior. I was doing that with biting and didn’t realize it until a trainer pointed it out to me. Say nothing to her, just clean it up.
    Also my dig behaviorist also told me never let them see you clean up their accidents because sometimes, it can turn into a game and they will do it more. Hang in there!

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