We have a 4 1/2 year old male intact lab. He is very friendly and we don't have any issues with him and interacting with people except in these cases- We like to take him places and if we take our pickup he rides in the bed hooked up to a tether that acts like a seatbelt. If the truck is parked, but he's still attached and someone comes up to the truck to pet him he growls and sometimes lunges. He has never done this in any other situation. One person is someone he sees regularly on walks and in our home and he has been friendly to before. He's so friendly otherwise it catches us off guard when he does it in this situation, and now he has done it three times. He has also done it once when he was in the backseat of my car with the windows down and someone tried to reach in to pet him. Is this because he's tethered and territorial about the truck bed? Is it something we should worry about when he's in other situations?
Sorry, I'm of absolutely no help on behavioral issues. But just a thought: has he somehow hurt himself being tethered? Might he be in pain? Is he tethered to a harness or a collar? I'm wondering, if tethered to a collar, was his neck jerked and injured?
I don't have a knowledgeable reply, but I would never put my hand through a car window to stroke a dog or try and stroke a dog in an open backed truck whether the dog is tethered or not. I would presume that the dog would feel territorial or possibly frightened. Many times when I walk past a car with a dog in it the dog barks and I presume it's protecting its space. My personal opinion is your dog isn't doing anything wrong and it's those that want to stroke that should be careful. But like I say, it's just an opinion and someone wiser may have a different take.
I don't know why everyone thinks they can just come and pet every dog they come across. It infuriates me. Especislly moms with young children. Sorry I was no help but in my world this shouldn't even be an issue.
I agree with this. People are mad to approach a dog in a car or tethered in a ute tray (aka back of a pickup). I wouldn't worry that you have some kind of general problem here. I'd guess that it's specific to him being in the car/pickup. It's probably a bit terratorial but is there a problem with that? We have shaped dogs for thousands of years to alert us to strangers approaching our property....to me it's a normal behaviour. Having said all that....I would avoid leaving your dog alone in the pickup tray. Being approached by people while tied there seems to be stressful for your dog, so I'd try to minimise this stress by avoiding the situation wherever possible. I do think it's the responsibility of others to stay away from your dog but people don't always do the smartest things... My dog also barks when people who approach our car (we are always in the car with him...we don't leave him alone in the car). He also barks at people coming to our front door (which I want him to do). He never barks at people on walks or in any other situation.
Thanks for your replies. I agree with these assessments. He was not alone, DH was standing beside the truck. These people all know him as a friendly dog they have met before. I think that's why they approach him in this environment. Thinking maybe we should make a sign to hang on the truck when he's in his kind of situation?
I see, they were people who knew him. A sign is a good idea - worth doing. At least then people can't say that they weren't warned that they might be barked at. I think it's wise of you not to leave him alone if people are going to approach him. If someone is with him to tell people not to approach then that's best.
How far can he lunge while tethered in the back? Far enough to flip out and hang himself? I'm sure there are crackpots around who like to torment a dog and see him do that, it's a good idea not to leave him alone. Is it legal to have him in the back of the pickup when you're driving? Some places it's not. Another possibility for his actions is defensive. You see this with some dogs who are approached when leashed, crated or tied out. They are trapped and they know it so they get the pre-emptive move in to warn the approaching person not to come closer. Whether it's fear or some innate need to protect their property I don't think has been determined and I'm sure varies by dog and could even be a bit of both.
I would agree with this, and the sentiments of others who have replied here. As a child, I was always taught never to approach a dog that was tied up or go close to a car parked with a dog in it as they would likely be defensive or protective. I agree it's probably best not to put him in this situation, just to avoid any consequences. I don't know what it is with people these days, thinking they can just go up dogs and touch them!