helping dog heal after spay/neuter

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by chixy182, Jan 5, 2021.

  1. chixy182

    chixy182 Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2021
    Hey y'all!
    I am adopting a 3-month old Black Lab / Pointer mix this week... the day after she gets spayed. Do y'all have any tips for how to help her through healing up? I got my shih-tzu after she had already been spayed, so I have no idea what it's going to be like!!
  2. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    Is that a typo, or is someone spaying a 3 month old puppy?
  3. chixy182

    chixy182 Registered Users

    Jan 5, 2021
    Not a typo. Is that bad? She's at the humane society (they're guessing she's 3/4 months old). She was found abandoned on Christmas day. They won't let me adopt her until she is spayed there at the facility.
  4. 5labs

    5labs Registered Users

    Mar 19, 2019
    North Yorkshire
    While I can understand that they don't want her to be bred from, yes, it can be really bad spaying puppies so young. Sex hormones are needed from a lot of the dogs development, but physically and mentally. Spay incontinence and joint problems and just a couple of potential issues from early spays.
    Aside from that, i have no idea how you would rest a 3 month old puppy and not let it jump up etc after it's surgery.
    Joy and Michael A Brooks like this.
  5. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    I think it is really hard as some countries rescues do neuter really early. In the UK tgat just does not happen, they wait much later. So, it really is out of your hands. My dogs have always pretty much self limited, but with a really young one you can probably do that by keeping them in a small space and occupied with things like kongs. The humane society should be able to advise too as they will be used to this process. Good luck .
  6. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    We adopted our first Lab (4 yrs old) and had to sign an agreement to have her spayed. At 4 the age was not an issue, but we did wait a couple of months.

    Our other two Labs were spayed at about a year. I think both of them jumped over the couch in the living room when they came home. We had pain meds and sedatives for them to help keep them quiet. IIRC we actually cut Coopers Pain meds a bit so she would be quieter.

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