Hi everyone, I'm a newbie there and I'm interested in this forum a lot. How can I get much knowledge as you guys? . Hope to get more knowledge from you all! Thanks.
Hi and welcome to the forum Reading through threads on the forum is a good thing to do - there's a lot of collective knowledge there And have you found all the articles on the main Labrador Site site? There is heaps of great info here: http://www.thelabradorsite.com/
Welcome from Hattie 9 years and rescue boy Charlie 6 years. Are you getting a puppy or rescue anytime soon? Nice to have you with us x
Hi and welcome from Harley Quinn and I. I found the fastest way to gain knowledge is to lose all self respect through the regular ridiculous behaviour of one's labrador. Finally the enforced humility forms a big whole and after a few years the knowledge collects there. You still don't have much dignity, because you own a lab, but you can spot a possible embarrassing incidents coming from a way a way Just kidding Best of luck and enjoy your pup!