Hi everybody, and a very pleasant good afternoon to you, wherever you may be. I'm new to this sight, I have a 6 month old Yellow Lab "Sierra" here in Southern California. She is just a love and learning to behave herself as I take her to class once a week. My Wife and I have had her since she was 8 weeks old. I look forward to learning and hearing what others have to share about their dogs.
Hi and welcome from me and 2.5 year old girl, Harley from Bristol in the UK. Is Sierra your first lab/dog? I look forward to getting to hear more about the lovely Sierra
Welcome! We live in south Wales with our yellow boy Pongo. My dad lived in Pasadena for the last ten years of his life, so we know your area just a little bit!
Hello from the east coast of England best wishes, Lynne, Henry (pup) and George (really tolerant older boy)