Hi from Down Under

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by SueNZ, Aug 16, 2015.

  1. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Yes, Peri is a dilute yellow. I think the dilute yellows and blacks have been around for as long as the dilute chocolates, they are just not quite as noticeable.
    Here are a couple of pictures of Peri with her charcoal brother and with two of her siblings at a 'litter reunion' run by their breeder when they were about 4 months old.

    The cattle we breed, Murray Greys, originated in Australia, also have a dilute factor, you can see some of them in the background of the photo of Grace and Peri.

    Yes NZ has a lot going for it in terms of beauty and uncrowded lifestyle!
  2. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Her charcoal brother is very dark, isn't he. I guess there are probably modifying genes that determine how dark they are.

    It is interesting that charcoal and champagne have not got as much attention as silver when they are all inevitable products of the same gene (or allele I should say...) and, as you say, have all been around for the same length of time. I think the charcoal colour is very striking (but I am a real sucker for 'blue' animals :) ).
  3. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Hi Rachael, now that I realise you are in Canberra, and the only person around at this hour of the day as we are both in the southern hemisphere-despite the time showing on the posts!
    I'm interested in the genetics of things too-mainly as a cattle breeder and my long time career with chicken breeding for a large company! I have read all the furore re dilutes with interest and all I can say is-in the cattle breeding world if you introduce new blood from another breed after 5 generations the progeny can be regarded as 'pure breds' and are eligible for full registration in the herd book! I am a little apprehensive re any backlash because my latest Labrador is 'different' but she is a sweetie and I didn't go out looking for one-just happened across as a fluke and I'm so glad I did!
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Yep, almost everyone else is asleep :)

    You must know a lot about poultry breeding! :) Dog breeders seem to be unusually sensitive to the concept of outcrossing. It's a shame, as there are some breeds in need of it (genetic disorders etc). Breeders of just about anything else are far more relaxed about it, although they still are just as rigorous with maintaining records and planning matings etc. The dog world is an interesting place...

    It's great that you've got yourself a lovely dog to continue your long history of Labrador ownership :) And how nice to have reunions with other pups from the litter.
  5. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Gorgeous pictures, such beautiful dogs. Xx
  6. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Morning you two! You've had a lovely little chat :cool:. I didn't know about the colours so that will give me something else to read up on. We don't want backlash either :eek::eek: but don't worry as Obi's mum has a special moderator's cape that will shield you.
    The photos are lovely and the setting is beautiful and the cattle look calm. What a lovely home for your dogs.
  7. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Goodorning from Sunny Scotland (yes! Really! We have Sun this morning!)
    The Peri puppy picture is gorgeous.
    I can't see the photos so well on my phone (In the sun!) So I will have a look at the colour variations ony laptop later.
    We live all dogs all breeds all colours on here.
    Have you seen our Pets corner? We don't discriminate....bung a few cows on too. Just pop a wee warning on in case Lady is looking ;)
  8. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    *love, not live.
  9. Jane Martin

    Jane Martin Registered Users

    Apr 16, 2014
    Sunny in Surrey too :), might get the mower out :eek:
  10. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Now I have introduced myself and Peri I should probably move to another thread to carry on. Before I find another suitable one here are a few more of my farm dog Peri-we are on a roll now we have mastered photos! I look forward to hearing more from everyone who has been so welcoming. Still lots of reading to do. By the way Peri is raw fed, well mostly, because Grace is not, and Peri is a gannet guts if Grace isn't quick enough. She loves getting wet and dirty out on the farm, but is an inside dog, sleeps in a crate in our bedroom, while Grace takes the prime spot on the bed!
    She is a bit more wary of the cows now since they have calved, but she still loves scavenging for calf poo!
    [IMG] [URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SUEC/media/IMG_5092.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/SUEC/IMG_5092.jpg[/URL]

    Still likes her home comforts though!
    [IMG][URL=http://smg.photobucket.com/user/SUEC/media/IMG_5152.jpg.html][IMG]http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v439/SUEC/IMG_5152.jpg[/URL] [​IMG][/URL]
  11. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    We have had a glorious spring day with sunshine down here-it even got to 15C , we are looking forward to spring, the willow trees are just breaking into leaf.
    By the way I came here from Yorkshire, East Riding, where I had my first Labradors, Patsy and her daughter Honey, whom I left with my parents when I came here to a job-in 1968 and sort of stayed!
    Now how can I get rid of the [​IMG]
  12. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Welcome to you from Mags in Manchester UK, Tatze (pet black Lab 2 years old) and Twiglet (Guide Dog puppy Lab/GR 13 weeks old) http://twigletgdp.blogspot.co.uk/

  13. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    It must be so hard to foster a Guide dog puppy and hand it back-but so satisfying to see them graduate to such a great career. Tatze has such a knowing lovely Lab face, who will miss little Twiglet too once she grows up.
  14. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Hah - well that's a treat, to have a fascinating conversation to read first thing - love that the Southern Hemisphere sorted out the dilute colours for us while Europe was snoozing. All very interesting. Peri has striking colouring, that's for sure.

    Looking forward to hearing more about these lovely dogs.
  15. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014

    Interestingly, Tatze didn't appear to miss Gypsy, my first Guide Dog puppy, at all when she went to Big School. My friend's Lab, Zaba, stays with us often and she whines, pines and looks for him when he's gone home - he's the love of her life.

    For myself I miss Gypsy every day - it's just like a bereavement, and I constantly wonder what she's doing. I do get emails and photos, so that's great. I was heartbroken when she left - if I hadn't agreed to have another I would have packed it in - but Twiglet is a joy and puppies are addictive!!
  16. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Tatze and Twiglet are so gorgeous. Labradors are just the best. X
  17. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Great pics! Peri is a lovely colour.

    I love your cows. Are they Murray Greys? Not that I know anything about cows...
  18. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Such a bittersweet thing you are doing.. Boogie - how do you feel now you have Twiglet? Will the loss of the pups get easier, do you think? As you build up resistance to letting them go (and fly..:) )? Maybe special Gypsy was so painful because you were lacking that resistance that you'll build up in time...or perhaps you'll always feel the same? That would be tough...
  19. SueNZ

    SueNZ Registered Users

    Aug 16, 2015
    Yes they are, a good Aussie breed!
  20. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    My favourite breed of cow! :) They are in fabulous condition.

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