Hi all, Just signed up today after buying pup yesterday. What a great little fella he is. Very impressed with the wealth of info on this site. I wish I had come across it sooner to be honest but better late than never. I have an initial question regarding insurance if someone could offer advice? I’m looking for a very comprehensive plan so I’m a little more worry free. My worst nightmare is for something major to come up and we aren’t covered well enough. I’m looking at petplan Classic+ and Ultimate which are £30pm and £43pm respectively. Can anyone tell me if the extra £13pm is worthwhile? It’s £12k cover annually vs £7k. £7k sounds like plenty but I guess I’m not up to speed with the sort of costs one might expect associated with hip displacia etc. Could anyone advise? The other noticeable difference was £1k vs £2k annually for “complementary treatment” whatever that means?! Many thanks, Dave
Hi Dave, welcome to the forum! It's great to have you with us I'm sure our members will be happy to share their decisions and help you choose your insurance - if you don't mind I'm just going to tweak the name of your thread so that the people with the right experience come and find you! In the meantime, I do know that complementary treatment means things like acupuncture, chiropractic manipulation, herbal medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy and osteopathy. Some insurers will cover the cost of these if they have been prescribed by a vet.
Hi Dave, I personally go for the most comprehensive, highest payout plan that I can afford. I hate the thought that I could end up having insurance, but still not affording the full treatment. It's really a personal choice though and dependant upon your own finances, but if you can afford the extra £13 a month i'd go with that one Just make sure that the plan you choose has continuous cover for longer term illnesses, some of them won't renew after the first year for certain conditions.