Hi, I am a first time lab owner. Colt who is 3 and a half months old joined our family at the end of Feb. He is just the loveliest pup. I have been reading up advice on this site and thought I would join the forum to exchange advice and info with other lab owners.
Hi!I’m a new yellow lab puppy parent also( Gemma is 12 weeks) and new to the forum. I’m getting lots of good info.
Hello Jo86, Welcome to the Labrador Forum! It's really nice to share with others about this wonderful breed. Toby is 11 months old currently and I absolutely enjoy working with him everyday. He is my second Lab. I was first introduced to the Labrador Retriever breed in my early teens by my step mom. We adopted my first Lab (Cisco) from a local Humane Society and we quickly formed a bond. Cisco passed at the age of 16 in 2013 and I missed the love in his eyes and his zest for life. I've finally joined this forum recently as well since I've taken on the path of raising Toby "DIY" style. I've trained him on basic obedience. We're still working on recall when were out at the park and he's getting better on overall leash training. The important thing is to keep in mind that he is still young and patience on the guardians part. Again welcome, and I look forward to sharing progress, adventures, misadventures, trials and tribulations of owning a Lab Mary & Toby
Hi! New member here too. Getting our pup this week! Any advice on the first day , first week especially with having young children twins age 4)