Hi New to this group but decided to join as having problems with my lab after moving house with barking. It has improved but night time barking 3/4 am still an issue after being here a month. Tried tranquilizers short term then homeopathic medication but not sure how effective that was then vet recommended anti anxiety tablets but they are very expensive. Enjoyed reading your article. I am shying away from having him in the bedroom as I have never encouraged this and enjoy my personal space as I also have two other dogs. He is particularly close to one of them as she is his mum. Your point about exercise was good and I have decided to resume gun dog training with him as he is extremely obedient and intelligent! Thanks
Hi there and welcome to the forum. You might find this article on night time barking helpful. I am afraid the homeopathic medicine won't have done anything at all, it doesn't work. You can read more about how we can be certain of this here. And here. It is no more effective than a placebo. You might also find this of interest - My Dog Has Never Been Vaccinated - which has an explanation of why homeopathy doesn't work