..this popped up on my Facebook timeline today - from 1 year ago. My goodness, how far we've come (though I don't think we could tackle all the dogs that are walked at this place even now). When you improve a day at a time, you can't actually see the improvement. Rest assured, you ARE improving. " 25 September 2015 ยท another dreadful start to our walk. Coco freaking out, jumping at me, grabbing the lead - he does this over-excited whine-bark that I cannot get through. Walking was OK for half an hour, then the 2 border collies appeared, I tried to steer him to the bench too late - he has rearing up, barking and managed to knock me over (onto my already badly bruised hip & knee) - I lay in the little roadway, in agony, surrounded by frankfurters, clinging to Coco's lead. Staggered to the bench & sat it out. Start walking again, another border collie appears - he didn't see it - sat it out. Start walking again...and a man with Labradors appears - I cannot take any more, so we got in the car and went home before Coco saw them. He is now hyper - charging round, mouthing me, goading Belle into play, she is just getting more and more mad with him. Sorry, I have shut him in the garden. And I trod in dog sh1t. " I remember this morning, I was so down when I got home. I am now looking at my little (big) angel, curled up after a very sensible walk this morning and a couple of training sessions in the garden. The moral of the story is never give up, keep at it, you will get there. Oh and never be afraid to seek help and support.
So good to hear about your progress with Coco, really inspiring @edzbird, giving me hope for the future with Ripple .
Thanks for posting this and giving others hope who might be struggling with the same kind of things. Perseverance is the ticket...keep at it and training and maturity will make such a difference!
Well done, Sue. It's really heartwarming to be able to look back at posts like this and see just how far you've come. Your hard work is really paying off and you're coming out the other side with a marvellous dog
Thank you so much for sharing this. I've been working so hard with Jessie and she is still a crazy baby! We've had a few days like the one you describe! You give me hope that we will one day get there!!!
I'm really happy to give hope to people who are going through a tough time, it gets better. We're not there by any means, still struggle with other dogs, but we're chipping away at it bit by bit. Saturday dog training (2 others there) was the first time he has not lunged and barked at all during the session. Tuesday (many dogs) will be a different kettle of fish