How much does your puppy weigh?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rosie, May 14, 2014.

  1. Saba's Boss

    Saba's Boss Registered Users

    Nov 1, 2015
    Coastal Essex
    Saba was weighed yesterday, and was 20.1kg at 22 weeks. Vet was pleased with him, and he's losing his cute puppy waddle! Latest prediction is that he'll be a 30-35kg grown-up.
  2. Mrconnsmythe

    Mrconnsmythe Registered Users

    Dec 2, 2015
    Hawk at 12weeks - 8.5kg
  3. Wizadora

    Wizadora Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2015
    My beautiful Nala is now 8 months old, so we weighed her again, she now weighs in at 28.5kg! However she's not pure lab, dad was a German Shepard and mum was a working line lab! She has a very lean body and a very long face!
  4. BigDutch

    BigDutch Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2015
    Bootle Merseyside
    At the vets yesterday for Rilies 6 month check up she weighs 19.2kg (43.8lb) and the vet said she was a little over weigh She is on 500g of kibble a day split into three meals.I think I will keep her on 500g for another month or so.
  5. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Hi BigDutch , what food are you using? 500g a day sounds rather a lot at 6 months old. Do you give treats as well or use some of the kibble for training? Did the vet mention what sort of weight your puppy should be? If it were me I think I would be reducing the amount of kibble to lose the extra weight now as it's better for general health and for joints.
  6. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Wizadora Coco is a German Shepherd x Labrador. Like Nala, he has a very lean, long body. He has a huge head! He weighs around 30kg at 20 months old (not been weighed for about 6 weeks). We have only had him since September - 4 months. Out of interest, what/how much do you feed Nala? Coco has 140g of Skinners Field & Trial, a 400g tin of Winalot chunks, most days he has two thirds of a tin of sardines (Belle has the other third) & little chunks roast beef for training.
  7. Wizadora

    Wizadora Registered Users

    Jul 8, 2015
    edzbird we feed Nala Wagg puppy food, she mostly has 450g twice a day, I say mostly as she isn't food obsessed, sometimes like today, her breakfast will still not be finished by tea time, she grazes as the day goes on usually! Yesterday she wolfed down her food as soon as I gave it to her, she does have training treats on top of that as twice a week she has a pedigree chum gravy pouch with her dry food! We weighed her this afternoon and she now tops 30kg, but she is not fat anywhere, and as a baby of 8 months she's still got a lot of growing to do!
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Wizadora that's an awful lot of kibble a day, which from a quick look at Wagg feeding charts equates to an expected adult weight of 50kg+ for a 6 - 12 month old puppy. The usual advice is to leave food down for 15 minutes and then remove anything which isn't eaten as normally if it's not gone in that time they probably don't need it, or aren't hungry so remove it and I think most of us would discourage all day grazing and just offer breakfast and dinner.
  9. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Coco is on the skinny side of skinny. I am still trying to adjust his food. The vet didn't say anything about his weight when he went in for a kennel cough vacc. in October. The people at training don't say anything (training is at the ManxSPCA where we got him from, so they knew him for 3 months before we got him). It's hard to know what shape he should be given that he is really a mongrel. But you can usually see his ribs, and he has a very defined waist and tuck. He always wolfs his food down enthusiastically - over 3 meals. (Belle has to have a tiny supper before bed to prevent acid stomach, so Coco has to have a bit too).
  10. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Cooper is an American Field Lab. I believe she was the runt of the litter, since she weighed 5.5 lbs at just under 7 weeks.
    At 10 weeks she was 13.5 lbs.
    At 20 weeks she was 45 lbs.
    At 30 weeks she was 66 lbs.
    At 38 weeks she is 74 lbs.
    Her mom is about 70 lbs and her dad is around 80. I expect she will pass her dad. Lest you think she is overweight, she is also 24"+ at the withers and actually more at the rear. She is definitely an American Field Style dog. Both her mom and dad were Field Style dogs, mom just got her Senior Hunter Title. Cooper is a very birdy dog, who watches everything, even birds in the air.

    At 11 months she weighs 81 lbs so she has passed her dad. She is not fat by any means, just a big dog.

    Our other lab is more on the English side at 68 lbs and 20.5" tall. Her mom was a Master Hunter and looked English, Her Dad was a field trial champion and looked very American. Tilly has no interest in birds at all. I didn't plan to hunt her, and it is a good thing, since her main interests are Water, Snow and Tennis Balls
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2016
    pippa@labforumHQ likes this.
  11. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Benson 28 months - 28.7kgs - weight has come down a little since the suprelorin has worn off by about a kg (would need to check...)
    Casper 32kg @ 7 years old, birthday boy on Friday!
    Bramble @ 8.5weeks is a plump 7.4kgs, something to note when carrying her on Sunday! :)
  12. sss3

    sss3 Registered Users

    Feb 15, 2016
    My 9 week (just) lab weighs 5.3kg.

  13. Emily

    Emily Registered Users

    May 19, 2015
    Melbourne, Australia
    Ella, 10 months today (eek where has the time gone?) is 23.4kgs. She's now been between 23 and 23.5kgs for the last couple of months although I think she's got a bit taller and leaner in the last couple of weeks. She's measuring at 45cms so I'm assuming she's still got a little bit of growing to do??
  14. Beanwood

    Beanwood Registered Users

    Jan 28, 2014
    Well Bramble had her second injections, microchip and general health check. Well at just over 10 weeks, our little girl is a whopping 8.4kg! Err....she is supposed to be a little svelte thing...:eek:
    Cath, Emily, MaccieD and 2 others like this.
  15. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Annie was 4 kg when we got her at 8 weeks. She is now 10.8 kg at 15 weeks. I feed her 82 gms three times a day and she cleans her bowl :D
    MaccieD likes this.
  16. AlphaDog

    AlphaDog Registered Users

    Nov 18, 2015
    42 pounds (19 kg) 5 months this week.
  17. BigDutch

    BigDutch Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2015
    Bootle Merseyside
    Hi thanks for the advice. We have now been feeding here 400g of kibble per day split into three meals with about 60g of that used as training treats throughout the day she is now 37 weeks old and weights 25.5kg I think we might increase that now to 450g per day. Is it a good idea to keep her on three meals per day or just split it into two meals.
  18. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Hi @BigDutch. What sort of shape does your girl have? She should have a defined waist when viewed from above, a well defined "tuck up" around the tummy and you should be able to feel the ribs when running your hand down her sides without applying pressure, so normally described as feeling them through a blanket, not a sheet or a duvet. As she is over 25 kg now I wouldn't be increasing her daily kibble amount. With most kibble the quantity of kibble reduces as the puppy gets older and heavier and the amount quoted on the packaging is usually found to be on the generous side - a lot of us reduces the quantities by around a third with no problems as it is best to manage their diet by their shape rather than what a pack says.

    As to whether to feed 2 or 3 meals a day is really a personal choice and your lifestyle. Some of us feed 2 meals, some 3. Juno was reduced to 2 meals a day at months old and has a chew bar at lunch time now instead of kibble.
    BigDutch likes this.
  19. BigDutch

    BigDutch Registered Users

    Oct 23, 2015
    Bootle Merseyside
    Thanks MaccieD for the advice, as for Rileys shape she is more or less the shape you suggest but feeling her ribs is a little bit like two sheets and not quite a blanket. :) lol
  20. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    @BigDutch do 2 sheets= 1 blanket, depends upon the thickness of the sheets and blanket ;). Main thing to remember is the body shape and definition, and the feeling of ribs should be that you can feel them without applying pressure. It would be great to see some photos of Riley and how she's growing up :D:D

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