How much does your puppy weigh?

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rosie, May 14, 2014.

  1. Bungie

    Bungie Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2019
    Ziggy weighed in last week. 24.5 weeks old 33.6kg = 74lb.
    He’s a seriously big boy height wise but is on a bit of a diet to make sure we take the pressure off his joints.

    Vet was happy with him overall, Ziggy still has a waist so not too bad.

    Most people who meet him are shocked to find out how young he is.
  2. Shadow

    Shadow Registered Users

    Feb 7, 2019
    Sacramento, California
    Shadow, my female lab, just turned a year old. She weighs 78 pounds/ 35.4 kg's. She's a slender girl, but, is proving to be quite large for a female Labrador retriever. I've been adding fish oil and Fido Vite brand Sportz Dog powder supplement to her Eukanuba kibble since she was about 20 weeks old. Took her off the large breed Eukanuba puppy kibble two months ago and now have her on Eukanuba Labrador breed specific adult kibble now. I figure she'll gain 10 or so more pounds by the time she's 2 years old and still be a slender girl. This fall, with the training she's been getting, she'll be going on her first hunts.
  3. Busymama5

    Busymama5 Registered Users

    May 15, 2020
    I have been concerned with my latest puppy litter. I have a tiny little girl, as well as a couple of smaller males who are healthy, & happy, but now at nearly seven weeks of age, only weighing in at 5 lbs. bigger ones in the litter weighing more like 9 lbs, which seems more normal. Mom is smaller weighing 70lbs, but dad weighs a whopping 114 lbs! Mom had a big litter of 10 puppies, & this was her first litter. I’m concerned about this weight. Pups go in for a vet check next week, but have given me absolutely no reason to suspect any probs. They are just small. Anyone have anything similar happen in breeding?
  4. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    When we got Luna at 8 weeks she was only 6.5lbs (3.1kg), she was the second smallest in the litter, she now weighs 37kg and bigger than her mum and most of her siblings!

    Maybe for the final week try and feed them separately so that they are all eating enough.
  5. Joffrey

    Joffrey Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2019
    Eddie the labrador recorded weights up to his 8 month birthday today :)

    9 - 4.5 - 9.92
    10 - 5.5 - 12.13
    11 - 6.5 - 14.33
    12 - 7.7 - 16.98
    13 - 9.8 - 21.61
    14 - 11.3 - 24.91
    15 - 11.9 - 26.24
    16 - 13.2 - 29.1
    17 - 14.2 - 31.31
    18 - 16 - 35.27
    19 - 17 - 37.48
    20 - 17.9 - 39.46
    21 - 19 - 41.89
    22 - 19.9 - 43.87
    23 - 21.2 - 46.74
    24 - 22.2 - 48.94
    25 - 23.3 - 51.37
    26 - 24.2 - 53.35
    27 - 25.6 - 56.44
    28 - 26 - 57.32
    29 - 26.5 - 58.42
    30 - 27.8 - 61.29
    31 - 28.4 - 62.61
    32 - 28.1 - 61.95
    33 - 29.3 - 64.6
    34 - 29.4 - 64.82
    35 - 29.5 - 65.04
  6. SaxonBlackLab

    SaxonBlackLab Registered Users

    May 21, 2020

    I'm pleased to see this! I've just weighed my nine week old boy and he's only 4.5kg which seems on the lower end. It's good to see that your lad has grown so well!
    I'm considering upping his food from 200g of dry food per day to 225g. I've read that between 200-250g is a reasonable amount for him to eat per day, and he eats very little treats as we use his dry food for his treats while training.
    Joffrey likes this.
  7. Joffrey

    Joffrey Registered Users

    Nov 20, 2019
    I took the weight recommendations on the kibble bag (AVA from Pets at Home) for a large dog (25-30kg) and went nuts in Excel making a 8 month plan to find out how much to increase it by each week.

    Basically the difference between 2 months, divided by the weeks between those 2 months (4-5), divided by 7 days, divided by 3 times a day.

    I cocked up the amount of food in the first week (under fed him for 4-5 days I think) He is a tank now but still in good shape. :)

    Friday is weigh day and he hates it, on the scales with Eddie in my arms.
  8. Kelly Hutchinson

    Kelly Hutchinson Registered Users

    May 24, 2020
    We just went to choose pup today and prefered the runt of the litter that was only 2.5 kilo's. Did you your puppy grow into a n healthy adult dog?
  9. Kelly Hutchinson

    Kelly Hutchinson Registered Users

    May 24, 2020
    How is Vader now? We are considering purchasing the runt of the litter which is only about 2.5 kg at 7 weeks. Have you had any health issues?
  10. Christina2807

    Christina2807 Registered Users

    Jul 3, 2019
    Luna was the second smallest in her litter of 9, she is now one of the biggest. The only issue with her is that she hasn't realised now at 11.5 months she isn't the little girl she was! We get numb legs quite a lot :rolleyes:
    This is what I woke up to a few days ago

    Attached Files:

    Jess_Bushby likes this.
  11. Mabel

    Mabel Registered Users

    May 27, 2020
    My mabel is 20.4kg and she's 35 weeks old today. I'm really worried that she is well below what she should be. It almost feels like she has stopped growing the past few weeks, she's been about 20kg for a month now.

    She is fit and well and get said she is in good shape, we know a 5 month old female lab who is basically the same size as ours
  12. Mabel

    Mabel Registered Users

    May 27, 2020
    Us, we've got a female lab and she's 8 months and only 20kg. We're really worried too that she's going to be a dwarf labrador, everything else seems good about her she just doesn't grow so much
  13. Bungie

    Bungie Registered Users

    Dec 28, 2019
    Ziggy had his 30 week (tomorrow) weigh in.....

    36.4kg or 80.2 lbs.

    He is a tall boy too, about an inch higher than the top height in the male breed standard.
    Christina2807 likes this.
  14. Bryher

    Bryher Registered Users

    May 13, 2020
    My girl is 20 weeks and weighs 13.1kg (almost 29lbs)..... definitely on the smaller side but she's happy and healthy.
  15. Sukhpreet Aujla

    Sukhpreet Aujla Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2019
    Clover weighed 8kg at 12 weeks and 11.4kg at 16 weeks.
  16. gt

    gt Registered Users

    Jun 12, 2020
    hi my female labrador is 6kg at 10 weeks is that normal or is she small
  17. Sukhpreet Aujla

    Sukhpreet Aujla Registered Users

    Sep 4, 2019
    I've realised normal doesn't really exist. It's probably better to look and feel, if you can see a waist that's good, and if you can feel but not see ribs that's good as well. Even two Labs from the same litter won't be the same so I'm realising it's better to look at my Lab rather than numbers of what she should be. This thread is fantastic if you click on random pages you'll find all sorts of weights for a 10 week old pup.
  18. anitakarensmith

    anitakarensmith Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2020
    eddie was 8kg at 8 wks, he has next appointment in 2.5 wks so will am sure be about that or more, his paws are huge!
  19. anitakarensmith

    anitakarensmith Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2020
    don't worry about it if he is healthy! he might just be a lo trimmer!
  20. anitakarensmith

    anitakarensmith Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2020
    oh she's beautiful!

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