How to calm a fearfully puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by base28, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has a similar problem with there lab like us? Luna is 18 months old and is coming along nicely apart from a few over the top moments when either we think becomes fearfully of something and then will start jumping lunging and biting! We notice when it starts but need help to find a way to calm her quickly! Afterwards she is totally spent! It is a scary thing when she does it bad so need to try and nip it in the bud .
  2. Michael A Brooks

    Michael A Brooks Registered Users

    May 26, 2018
    Blackmans Bay, Australia
    Hi, I think more information is required. Either the dog (no longer a puppy at 18 months) is fearful or what? What does the either refer to? What's the trigger(s)?

    What exactly do you notice before the behaviour starts?

    How long does the behaviour last? Why do you think it stops? How many times has it happened? Does it always happen in the same setting?
  3. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Well last week we went on a long walk which we have done several times and which Luna loves, this occasion we were halfway and it was a windy day, we went through 2 open fields when normally Luna will be running ahead sniffing etc when suddenly she came back to me and walked beside me then kept between my husband and myself when we came to some trees she was off again, couple mins later she was back again we put her on her lead to go past next field of horses, when past we were about to let her off when she started jumping biting she was wild eyed, ripped my coat ect, we tried touch , lol etc until she was spent but took ages! The rest of the walk was like nothing had happened!
  4. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    When she shows anxious signs i try not to make them worse by letting her ect i just say walk in let's go! It's when she has gone over the top how to calm her safely and not make things worse! I can tell if she is becoming anxious by the lip licking, yawning, and puffing out her cheeks, we usually just change what we were going to do or just sit till she has stopped.
  5. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    I meant petting her!
  6. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    I think there hasn't been the same place twice but it seems to last ages
  7. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    To me this sounds like she is feeling relieved after being past the scary thing. I would use some food scattered on the floor and do 'Find It' until she calms down. Sniffing is a calming behaviour which reduces stress and preoccupies a dog.
  8. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    We try all of those things but it seems ages for her brain to calm, any other good tricks to try?
  9. Jo Laurens

    Jo Laurens Registered Users

    Aug 25, 2018
    Jersey, Channel Islands
    The more you practice 'calming down' (via sniffing, Find It etc), the more quickly the dog will learn to calm herself. Think about it as practice moving between two emotional states.
    zrinka likes this.
  10. zrinka

    zrinka Registered Users

    Mar 3, 2016
    I definitely agree. My hypothyroid dog had many problems growing up and as a younger dog. She is now 3,5 years old, and some of the problems are still present but she reacts less frequently and calms down easily and we are able to continue our walk what we were not able to do in the past as she would react to every other thing she'h seen after she got scared even to things she on normal occasions would not react to. Learning trick (middle, turn..), working or regular signals (sit, down...) to gain focus and sniffing as well as interactive toys have helped us a lot.
  11. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Thank you for all the lovely replies, we have gone back to basics again with luna, giving her more rest days which means no long off lead walks for couple days but more mins games and lots find it etc in garden which she loves! Only short lead walk and very slow so she can sniff ect, then on other days a nice walk. We have found that she is now calming herself and is able to settle a bit better. Hopefully in future we can gradually increase walks without her becoming over the top lol

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