How to feed after tooth extraction

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by LKRG, Oct 13, 2018.

  1. LKRG

    LKRG Registered Users

    Aug 26, 2018
    Our poor baby broke one of her puppy canine teeth! I have no idea exactly when or how it happened, but it was broken vertically and even the root was fractured so the vet had to cut the gums to remove root and all. Now we are supposed to feed her soft food for the next 10 days which is understandable. She usually gets about a quarter of a can of wet in the morning just as a treat along with her dry food.

    I bought more wet and thought we’d increase that for the next 10 days. Our take home instructions say to soak dry food in warm water for 20 minutes to soften. First of all, after 20 minutes it’s kind of slimy on the outside, but still has a hard core. So I’m letting it sit MUCH longer. It swells up so much, too, which I wonder if that’s a good thing to have so much volume in her tummy at once. Anyway, I mix half a cup of the soaked dry food with a good half can of wet and warm it a little to make it extra yummy. :) She went for a good 19 hours without eating being at the emergency vet then her extraction where she was sedated so she really wolfed down her food all three times I fed her today. I tried to pick it up occasionally to give her an eating break. Now tonight she has such bad gas and literally water consistency poo.

    I’m thinking the gas and watery pop must be a combination of the stressful event plus eating too fast and more closely together than she’s used to (since she didn’t start having her meals for today until later when she was not groggy from drugs anymore). Does that sound logical? Am I doing this wrong? How would you go about feeding soft to your puppy who normally eats mostly dry kibble?
  2. mandyb

    mandyb Registered Users

    Oct 25, 2013
    East Devon
    Don't worry you're doing fine.
    It's probably the sedation drugs and stress that's affecting her tummy at the moment. I would be tempted to go little and often with the softened food for a few days, loads of little meals will be easier for her to handle. If there's no improvement with the runs then give your vet a call.
    Good luck and hope she's better soon.

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