I feel like giving up

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Puppypal, Oct 31, 2013.

  1. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Re: I feel like giving up

    Hi Annabelle, I think you are doing a great job too and with 2 dogs plus School - wow :) I know only too well having a rescue dog myself the difficulties that present themselves and how very difficult it is to train them. If only it were as easy as some people think, running around, yummy treats etc. making yourself so interesting but with some dogs it just doesn't work and if it did ALL dogs would be trained to perfection. You are absolutely right Total Recall involves lots of proofing especially with rescue dogs. I really hope Barley is feeling a bit more like his old self.
    I have felt exactly the same as you over Charlie, everything I do and have done really doesn't make a whole lot of difference, he still runs off :(
    You keep going and hopefully all the tips from dog owners like you will help others that come along. :)
  2. Puppypal

    Puppypal Registered Users

    Aug 8, 2013
    Re: I feel like giving up

    [quote author=Dexter link=topic=3120.msg35263#msg35263 date=1384369914]
    Annabelle,when I was your age,all I ever wanted was a dog.....and I wasn't allowed one :(
    You are doing an amazing job with Barley,i could never have coped so young with the challenges you have had.I know he tests you ,and you have so many other demands on you with school work etc but you are making marvelous progress with him even when you have your setbacks .
    I love reading your posts ,I learn a lot from them and I appreciate all the different aspects of dog ownership that you are exploring .....xxxx

    It has been a very steep learning curve, especially since he is our first dog. Comparing him to puzzle i now actually realise how much hard work he is and how much hard work i have put into him, at times my school work has suferd with incomplete or not on time homework, but i get it doen in the end and to the highest standard that i can.

    [quote author=charlie link=topic=3120.msg35279#msg35279 date=1384372928]
    Hi Annabelle, I think you are doing a great job too and with 2 dogs plus School - wow :) I know only too well having a rescue dog myself the difficulties that present themselves and how very difficult it is to train them. If only it were as easy as some people think, running around, yummy treats etc. making yourself so interesting but with some dogs it just doesn't work and if it did ALL dogs would be trained to perfection. You are absolutely right Total Recall involves lots of proofing especially with rescue dogs. I really hope Barley is feeling a bit more like his old self.
    I have felt exactly the same as you over Charlie, everything I do and have done really doesn't make a whole lot of difference, he still runs off :(
    You keep going and hopefully all the tips from dog owners like you will help others that come along. :)

    Ah yes the challenges of a difficult rescue dog, people who have not owned a difficult rescue dog have no idea how much hard work they are, even though we have had him for coming up to 5 years next easter, he is still a daily challenge especially on walks and around food. With two dogs and school work, i practically have no social life apart from coming on here and chatting to everyone, but i don't mind, most of my friends are not into doggy stuff. He is a bit more back to normal, he has got another accupuncture session booked for mid/late december. He is still not right, he is on double his normal joint stuff but still no difference made to him, if he is still like this in a week or so time then we will take him to the vets to get an x-ray, as i have a suspision that he has hip displasyia, as my friends lab just got diagnosed with it and had the exact same symptons as him.

    We are planning in taking him upto sutton heath on the weekend and letting him off in the secure dog area, that he can not get out of as they have latches on the gates, he tends to stay near us, but also at a distance, he is not a dog to walk at your heals, heis quite a distance away and occasioanly checks in on us, but rarely, as he wants to do his own thing, and com back in his own time or when he has had enough

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