I have a wild puppy

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Duck, Aug 23, 2020.

  1. Duck

    Duck Registered Users

    Aug 22, 2020
    I am wondering if I can get some advice or at least a little reassurance that this period will end with my Pup. Our lab Duck is almost 2 now and has recently become a little wild one, and that is an understatement. This dog makes Marley look well behaved lol. He has been fully trained by a trainer and is normally pretty obedient he gets plenty of exercise as he attends daycare during the week and spends his weekends up at the lake swimming. In the past 3 weeks he has been barking and growling at strangers when he normally would listen when told to leave it , lately he doesn’t stop which makes me nervous, he has always been so happy and friendly towards others.
    In the past 2 weeks he has been completely defiant. He tries to chase anyone who is wearing orange ( no idea why, I didn’t think dogs seen colours other then yellow and blue)
    I’ve had a lovely trip off the dock Into the water at 630am as he suddenly decides we are going to go for a swim mid walk on leash, Yesterday he flipped me backwards Off my chair after a robin and I’m not sure if I can physically take any more, lol. I am trying to stay consistent with the rules and training but I am at a loss of what to do with the sudden change. He’s a wonderful dog he’s very affectionate Especially with me but it concerns me that he has suddenly become a difficult dog, any advice?
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