Re: I have applied! Mags, I'm a teacher too! Only doing 3 days a week, hence why at last I feel I can have a dog now It's very exciting news! Good on ya!
Re: I have applied! Thank you They are coming on Monday for TWO hours and they will have a puppy with them. Tatze is used to being very calm around other dogs at puppy class, our trainer never lets them play and expects them to ignore each other. But she is not used to it at home. Friends bring their dogs and they hoolie around. So I think I will put her on the lead and keep her very calm by my feet while Mr Boogs lets them in, then I will take my cues from the supervisor. What do you think? My nerves are building but I must control them as I don't want Tatze to feel nervous. :-\
Re: I have applied! Well, you can only do what you think is right; they want to see the real you and your environment I suppose, to make the right assessment. Does that make sense? Very good luck to you
Re: I have applied! Aw Mags...just be yourself - that's all that you need to do. The people coming to assess will know you will be nervous and hopefully will put you at ease. Good luck!
Re: I have applied! What Jac said! You'll be fine, and they are lucky to have you! Try not to worry. Fingers crossed for you and Good Luck!
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Thank you so much for all your kind words - we passed! Hurrah!! The supervisor was here for two and a half hours with a puppy (a gorgoeus GS / golden retriever cross, 12 weeks old) and his puppy walker. Tatze was a star, she played really nicely with the puppy, it was his first off lead encounter with another dog, so he was quite hesitant at first, but she soon had him jumping on her and playing chase and tuggy. I am 100% proud of her. Then we all went for a walk and Mr Boogs and I had a practice with the pup. Now the long wait 'till mid July when the puppy arrives - it will be being born soon and they'll let me know what breed, sex and colour then. Meanwhile we have to build a 'spending area' which is a fenced off bit of the patio for poos and wees. I simply can't wait!
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Yay! Congratulations! How exciting! It's something I would love to do but I just don't have the time at the moment. You will have to keep us updated every step of the way!
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Well done. It will be interesting to follow your progress.. Alice
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Congratulations!! I will be looking forward to reading how you all get on ;D
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Massive congratulations looking forward to hearing about how it all goes
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Well done all of you,congratulations,lovely to hear of your success x
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! What lovely happy news , I am thrilled for you and so looking forward to rreading of your adventures , very many congratulations ;D
Re: I have applied .... and we passed! Thank you all for your lovely, kind words. I have never been so pleased when passing a job interview as I am for this one! When I was little and my parents asked what I wanted to do when I grew up I said 'dog trainer', but they advised me against it as 'you won't earn decent money at that' so I became a teacher instead, I was acting headteacher at one time - but none of that was as exciting to me as this! (Remind me of this when I am exhausted and sleepless - hehe! : )