I need help with 8 month old American Lab

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Sam'sMom, Mar 21, 2023.

  1. Sam'sMom

    Sam'sMom Registered Users

    Mar 21, 2023
    Hi: I latched on to this site, as I need some help. I have had dogs for many years. Some mutts (wonderfully good dogs), and some pure breeds. I had a yellow lab before. It followed my girls home. After putting signs up everywhere, we realized that someone dumped her. She happily became a lovely part of our family. Gentle, kind, clever (and a bit of a piggy). My last dog was a Borador. My constant companion and dearest buddy. Also gentle, kind, and freaky smart. Then came Sam. An American Lab. Smart as all get out. Learns first time, everytime. However, when I take him on walks lately ( this is a good walk) and after 30 minutes or of running full tilt, playing in the creek, leaping over the creek, fetching sticks etc. he suddenly turns on me and starts biting hard at my arms. Today he even growled at me ( I think he was testing it out). I have NEVER in all my years of having dogs, had one of them do that. I don't think that he knows what he is doing, but I just can't have it. My arms are covered in bruises. He won't let me walk away, or not interact with him. He lunges at me. I am at my wits end and my hubby is ready to find him a new place to live.
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    I’m no expert but he is still a very young dog and he may be being over stimulated on his walks which then turns into over excitement.
    Leaping up biting the backs of arms is what my lab used to do and yes it hurts!
    Try engaging his brain more using his nose. Look at scent training. It is a phase that I’m sure will pass.
  3. Frassygirl

    Frassygirl Registered Users

    Apr 20, 2021
    Hi there!

    We have a 14 month old Field/English male named Hogan (Hoagie) who is extremely smart, but also becomes overstimulated, and over threshold VERY easily. This looks similar to what you are describing on walks with your boy - he might bark, spin around and grab his leash (or my hand), jump and crash into me...... to counteract this we have been very mindful of how LONG we are walking - too long, even by a few minutes, and he starts acting foolish. It's like he is just so stimulated by the environment and smells that he short-circuits after awhile, even if his body isn't tired out yet.

    If we can catch him before he goes full tilt crazy, we work easy obedience to refocus him - sit, heel, middle, etc. We NEVER walk without treats, and he is very food motivated, so if I can get him to focus on easy, treatable commands, thats often enough to snap him out of it.

    We also do tons of brain games - scatter his meals in the yard so he has to scent for them, tie treats up in a towel, lick mats, stuffed kongs....

    We are seeing improvement so don't despair!!
  4. Teddie Bear

    Teddie Bear Registered Users

    Apr 22, 2023
    at 8months and all that activity he's most likely over stimulated and needs a rest...his brain is on over load and he needs down time.

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