No, they are raised to be stud dogs from day 1. But if they don't pass the health tests then they are neutered and train as guide dogs. Stud Dogs and Brood Bitches get exactly the same puppy training as GD pups - it's only at 12-16 months old that they go on their separate paths, Stud Dogs to stud dog holders (the dogs go on several 'dates' a month to the breeding centre) and Brood Bitches to brood bitch holders (they have the pups in their own homes). All SDs and BBs are pure breds, most GDPs are cross breds To be a brood bitch or stud dog holder you need to live within half an hour of the breeding centre (Leamington) I would do it like a shot if we were close enough!
Ooh! I wonder if Benson is related to Max? I know 3 of them (from his mums side) went onto the Warwickshire centre..