i am shaking if you have been reading my posts my lab died on tuesday from cancer, been a really harrd week for us, today a breeder contacted us with a black lab pup male who was for sale his owner had let him down and he needed to go, we are getting him tomorrow visitied today hes kc reg etc low hips scores etc i dunno what type im so excited we are going to pets at home getting things soon im just worried about how tilly (3) will react to this i know this is very soon get a new pup i dont know what to type
It sounds as if Henry's meant to be yours. Just make sure Tilly has a safe place to escape to for some special time with you or by herself! I'm sure you will have thought of all that, though, as Henry's your eighth dog. Very exciting! Can we see some photos when you have him, please.
yes sure, yes i will i think she may be abit bossy and dominate but my other dog molly was with tilly and took about 5-6 month get used to the new arrival , we are collecting him from breeder tmrrw cant wait
It does sound if this pup is meant to be and will help with your sadness, a busy but enjoyable time ahead
She won't think in the same way as we do. Introduce the pup matter-of-factly and make sure Tilly has 'safe' places she can go pup-free. The Happy Puppy Handbook has a great section about introductions and how the older dog may react and how to deal with it. I always make sure the new puppy has an hour or so in the house without Tatze so that she can get used to all the new places and smells. We introduce them, they have 15 mins together then OH takes Tatze out for a long walk (she never wants to go, but she's fine) Exciting!!
Really sounds like this was meant to be. Your heart needs healing and Henry needs you. Great name too, love it. Go on, tell us you've never had a dog named Willy or Sam.
haha its my first boy dog, i will give her time and space from henry i think in time it took tilly and molly 6 month get used to each other and treating them equal etc. i cannt wait will keep you all updated!