In love...

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by Carolina, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. Carolina

    Carolina Registered Users

    Nov 6, 2016

    I am curious to see if anyone has experienced anything similar as well. Ludo (male, 4 yr old) is a great eater, we had to buy special bowl, we usually give him part of his food in a Kong, etc. Usually when he sees we are taking food out he's alert and sits down until he can go an eat. Since three days ago we noticed he was weird. Like less relaxed at home than usual, wanting to go out more often in the garden, just to smell in the air, and it took more for him to finish his food. He's not sick, he was acting normal during walks, in the mountain, and also normal toilet and taking treats happily. Then, yesterday morning he didn't eat his food. Nothing at all. And while I was walking him he just went crazy smelling a path and totally ignoring me. He just went away and luckily came back when I continued calling him. The rest of the walk was on leash and he was just smelling frantically everything and peeing every few meters. At home again in and out all the time. The other two walks of the day were the same as the morning one. And well, with my husband we were saying, he seemed to be in love! Not hungry, anxious... At night he had his food as I guess he was starving and this morning again, he would only eat from our hand and was only interested in getting out as soon as possible. I know there's been dogs in heat around before and he's never acted like this... so I thought, if it is this, it must be a dog he knows... So I called someone I know from walking him who has two bitches... and bingo!! both in heat!! So I guess this is what is going on with my poor Ludo!!
    Luckily today we brought him hiking in the snow and in the mountain we were far enough for him to forget and listen...

    Have you had similar experiences?


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