Well I just got Cleo from the breeder a week ago. She had a litter in early February and when I asked the breeder when she thought she'd go into season I was told anytime between August and October. So we scheduled a spay for next Friday. Well it seems like Cleo didn't get the memo because today I noticed blood on the floor. Like any rookie I was like did she cut her paw? Nope. Her vulva looks a little puffy (although I only have her a week so what do I know) and the blood is definitely coming form there. She's not into toys too much but will fetch like two times before giving up. But I'm just paranoid about walking her in my neighborhood now. I've been walking her for 30-45 minutes in the morning before I go to work, another 15-20 minutes at lunchtime, and then another 30-45 minute walk in the evening. The little lady actually lost a pound between Monday and Friday according to the vet scale (and she is a few lbs overweight so it's a great thing!). But now with her in heat I can't do those walks! She seems more sleepy now the last two days (is this normal when in season?) but I need her to get in her exercise. What else besides training sessions can I do? She only lasts like 10-15 minutes with a training session in terms of attention span. Do I basically just always need to leave a frozen Kong around so she chews herself to sleep? She has a lick granule a that she already had when I got her but it looks like she's been going at it still when I'm gone, so I know I need to keep her busy! Any suggestions welcome! I'm also praying she's one of those pups that keeps herself clean. My floors are easy to clean and I don't allow her on the furniture. She has been licking when in her crate more the last two days which I think is a good sign!
What bad luck! I walked Harley when she was in season. I went either early in the morning, lunchtime time or late evening and only done on lead, road walks as very few dogs around then. I did find she slept a lot more and I was lucky that she kept herself clean. I played a lot of 'find it' games with very small treats hid around the house. We also practiced sit, wait, stand, paw etc. We also concentrated a lot on her lead walking as it was horrendous.
Thanks Naya. I'm thinking a lot of super short walks. We are trying to learn sit (as a show dog she never learned this) and I'm feeding her out of a regular Kong and a Kong Wobbler to help her mental stimulation. Meal time actually lasted almost 15 minutes with the Wobbler! I'm thinking we will just have to work a lot on training! Which isn't a bad thing!