In trouble again

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Lucyloo, Aug 21, 2014.

  1. Lucyloo

    Lucyloo Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2014
    I posted on 'let your puppy of the lead' a couple of weeks ago about 7 month old Bella getting me in trouble for jumping up someone.
    I have always let her off but am mindful that she needs to go back on when joggers,bikes etc appear.
    Today I took her somewhere different where I kept her on her lead until a dog came and let her have a play.
    Just at this point a bike came along, and they had to stop because she was in the way and I couldn't get hold of her. Another rude comment and dirty look now achieved but worse was to come, she said hi to a collie who wasn't interested so she spotted a spaniel legged it and whilst behind the lady walking it they crash into the back of her and knocked her on her bum.she then refused all my attempts to get her back and nearly knock her over again.
    What do I do? She goes training twice a week and I take her out twice a day always training as we go,but she will not walk past another dog she sits and waits to pounce. She is a very strong girl and weighs 26kg at seven months. I just want to enjoy our walks but I suppose that will come in time. I hope!
    P.s even when we go training she suddenly decides that she's not going to walk anymore and lays down while everyone has to walk past us.
  2. Lucyloo

    Lucyloo Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2014
    Re: In trouble again

    Sorry just weighed her now 32kg!
  3. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: In trouble again

    It's tough when they are that age. The training just takes time - I'm sure you are working hard on recall and so on.

    In the meantime, I think it's a question of management. In terms of where you go, picking quieter times, and who you are likely to meet. You could keep her on her lead a bit more (she absolutely does not need to play with every dog) or try a long line (this isn't the easiest in busy places though).

    Keep it in perspective though - knocking people over is something you'll have to make sure doesn't happen, but it would be a very lucky pet labrador owner that got through the teenage months without the odd jump up at a stranger (grovelling apology and offer to pay any dry cleaning bills included of course).

    Best luck with it.
  4. Lucyloo

    Lucyloo Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2014
    Re: In trouble again

    I have brought a long line just getting used to using it, she nearly took my arm off the other day and I had been going out when it is quiet but felt bad she hadn't seen anyone to play with and thought the more dogs she saw would help her not be so ott every time. She does get to play with a lot of dogs twice a week at training as it is outside. Maybe I'm over thinking the situation and should go with the flow and do what I think is best and not worry about what she's thinking.
    But then if she meets a dog and she's on a lead she leaps in the air and crashes down which isn't good for her I wouldn't have thought, and then I spend the rest of the time wrestling with her until they have gone.
  5. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: In trouble again

    not the easiest thing in the world but I would say keeping moving is your best bet. If she deploys her concrete bum just wait until she moves and then get her moving quickly around whatever obstacle you're facing. Also rather than a several metre long line you might find one of the padded leads that maxes out at about 2m handy so she can't get a good run up.
  6. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: In trouble again

    .....and if you ARE using a longer lead, then a harness rather than flat collar is less likely to end in whiplash if the lead is deployed.
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    Re: In trouble again

    At 7 months, she doesn't need to say hello or play with every dog - she isn't a very young puppy going through socialisation any more. I think it's right that a teenage dog still needs plenty of dog to dog time, but it sounds like she gets that at training twice a week.

    I don't think letting a dog play with more and more dogs helps. If anything, I think that just sends a message that every dog means play time.

    I had a bit of time with this with my boy. He was injured for a while and at the end of it was just mad to get to other dogs. The things that helped me were:

    No saying hello on lead - on lead time is not play time with other dogs - and for months I rewarded no reaction to other dogs on lead. I still do.
    121 training sessions where I walked round off and on lead dogs - sitting still, moving away from us, towards us and so on.
    A weeks' long training course where there were other dogs off lead all week and every day, for hours, I had to manage to keep my dog with me.
    And then finally, walking with a student from the above where we both rehearsed getting our dogs' attention when they were playing.

    I'm not there yet, still got a way to go, but at least I feel it's getting under control now.

    When my dog was at his worst, I had him on a padded back fastening harness, and in a really difficult situation I'd clip a padded handle lead (only about 12in long) onto his harness and just stand still. He would go nuts, but nothing happened - he wasn't injured and neither was I. I had to make it quite clear to other dog owners not to let their dogs approach when he was doing this (that would have been a big reward for awful behaviour).

    Best of luck with it.
  8. Mollly

    Mollly Registered Users

    Nov 8, 2013
    Thames Valley
    Re: In trouble again

    I"m in the same situation as you. Yes, the dog needs to socialise, but it not always appropriate when the wrestling match begins.

    I have just started training "at me" where she sits in front of me and concentrates on me. We are using the clicker and treats. Early days yet, sometimes it doesn't work because the other dog is just too close, but we cannot control these things so we and the dog have to get on with it.

    My God, my upper body will be so toned by the time she gets it
  9. Lucyloo

    Lucyloo Registered Users

    Jul 29, 2014
    Re: In trouble again

    Thank you for all your advise it really helps. I do use a harness with the training line I also use a halti harness that has worked wonders.when she has that on I put my foot on the lead to stop her jumping,it looks a bit messy but like you say at least she doesn't hurt herself.
    She has been a really good girl since I picked her up at 8 1/2 weeks she has never used a crate, has slept in my bedroom from 91/2 weeks and has never had a poo in the house. Walks nicely on a lead when there are no dogs about, just learnt to tidy her toys into a basket and when she is off her lead with no distractions she doesn't go far from me. We have started total recall and she is up to coming away from a boring person which is easy because as soon as she sees the whistle she sits next to me and won't go to them. So I've had to start wearing it all day!
    Thanks again I'm so glad I found this forum.
  10. sussex

    sussex Registered Users

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: In trouble again

    i have a 14month old lab who does want to run up to all the dogs we meet she is only walked in the woods off lead she sniffs them and maybe runs around with them if the owners dont mind their dog playing but as i walkoff i call her and say this way and she does come away and follow me she is totally horrendous on a lead if i have to use a lead i use a halti i am trying to get her to walk on a loose lead when we are getting close to the car i put the lead on and if she pulls turn in a circle and dont move if the lead goes tight when turn i say this way thats why this way works when shes off lead hope this helps but it can be very slow going you think they wont ever get it but when i got milly at 5months she was really bad would not leave the other dogs at all i always have treats and call her back to me often but dont put the lead on

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