Introducing the lead

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by gad, Jun 6, 2014.

  1. gad

    gad Guest

    There's a quite a few posts dotted around the forum on different, specific lead issues. Unless I've missed it, there doesn't seem to be 'everything you need to know about leads but we're afraid to ask' section. I can't find a chapter in the Happy Puppy or any other of my myriad of books on training that is devoted to the lead.

    Yet most of us seem to have one difficulty or another, be it introducing the lead, biting it, chewing it, mucking about with it, pulling, being obstinate while on it, what age should he be, managing our expectations of it all, collars v harness v slip lead, behaving for one person but not another and so on and so forth.

    Like Total Recall (great book for beginners and experienced alike) - I think Pippa should write a "Take the Lead" book :)

    I want to take my pup (at 12 weeks) into town, to county shows or just along the road to the field before I let him off - but I don't as he's not 'lead trained' sufficiently well. This could be a managing expectations thing!

    Anyone else want to lobby Pippa - like she's got nothing else to do ;)
    Or just share pearls of wisdom?
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Re: Introducing the lead

    Sounds like a really good idea Gordon :) I think Pippa has probably got a lot on though ::)
  3. Penny D.

    Penny D. Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2014
    Re: Introducing the lead

    Oh what a pity, I thought I'd found the answer to my lead queries. But I'll come back later to see if anyone has posted a 'How to introduce the lead' thread. Like you I think there are times when being on the lead is helpful and we are nearly at the stage when we can take Ludo out for a walk in the park. So far the lead is a great game. Super thing to chew, suck, roll about with.... But walk? You have to be joking!
  4. Stacia

    Stacia Registered Users

    May 25, 2011
    Malvern UK
    Re: Introducing the lead

    I had already taught my puppy to walk to heel (in the garden) OFF lead, he took to the lead and collar very easily with no problem, think I was very lucky with him.

    However, I have had German Shorthaired Pointers who were like eels on a hook; I just used to put the collar and lead on and not hold them and do nothing, the pup then gets used to having it on before you want to walk them.
  5. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: Introducing the lead

    Guide Dog pups are out and about fromm day 1 (but carried until after inoculations, 'tho they are allowed down in non dog areas) so they have collars and leads on from the start, but they get to enjoy trips out before they walk on leads - so that may be a good start. To take tiny pupsta out on callar and lead but carry them?

    Just a thought.

  6. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Introducing the lead

    I put a lead on from day one just for a little walk around the garden regularly to get them used to it.

    Penny are you using a collar or harness ?

    If Ludo is more interested in chewing the lead I'd start taking him just around the garden on the lead with you having very exciting treats or a squeaky toy that you can use to get his attention off the lead and reward him for leaving it alone. Just for a very short time to begin with then take the lead off, play for a bit, lead back on and circle again.

    The other thing you could try while he's a pup but you'd need to be careful of his neck if using a collar is an extendable lead. Do the same thing in the garden at first but because the extendable lead means he will feel he has more freedom he might not bother with it as much.

    Good luck. :D
  7. Penny D.

    Penny D. Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2014
    Re: Introducing the lead

    Hi, we are using a flat collar and lead, and today we've made better progress. I sprayed the lead with the bitter apple stuff I've been using for the furniture legs and today he is more interested in the treats I've been encouraging him with. We managed a quick trot up and down the garden with me running along beside him dispensing pieces of kibble and telling him what a good boy he is. We must have made a comical picture but it was a definite improvement. :D. I did try letting him trail the lead around initially but at the rate he is chewing through things it would probably be in several pieces in ten minutes.
  8. Jen

    Jen Registered Users

    Aug 30, 2013
    Re: Introducing the lead

    That sounds like progress. :D

    I'd keep doing that until your ready to venture out into the big world. If he starts getting interested in the lead again you could try dropping the kibble just in front of him. If he's sniffing out food he won't have time to chew the lead or remember how interesting the lead is.

    Once you get into the big wide world there will be lots of new things, smells etc to hopefully keep his attention so you don't have to trot along in public. ;)
  9. Penny D.

    Penny D. Registered Users

    Jun 14, 2014
    Re: Introducing the lead

    Thanks, we're getting there!

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