can i feed Pedigree to her? i always fed her high quality feed like Royal Canine, she now started hatting it, she make wired funny faces like she dont like it, on these feeds, especially Drool Focus, she like PEdigree , but i think its lower quality diet right? also if it is bad quality, can i feed her liquid commercial Diet to her? she easly eat it, sometime i feed her Drool Focus Liquid Diet Puppy version(one pouch one time) so is Pedigree Good company or i should keep her giving Liquid diet.
Pedigree is an ok food. There are better foods out there but it's ok. It will be fine to feed this to her if this is what she likes to eat. In my opinion I think that it's much better to feed kibble than it is to feed wet food (what you're calling liquid food). Wet food is not good for their teeth as it does nothing to clean them (whereas kibble will at least scrape and clean the teeth a little bit).
Hi, it's very difficult to know what is and isn't a good food for our dogs. All you can do is look at the ingredients and the nutritional value the food delivers, and also have a look at what is or isn't a good ingredient in a food. I had a quick look at the Drool Focus ingredients for example and they say it contains long grain rice, but they don't say if it is brown/wholemeal rice or white rice but there is a difference to the quality of the ingredient and it's nutritional value (brown is better). If she likes the Drool Focus wet meat pouches, that's fine although I thought the feeding guide a little unhelpful on quantity, but it does say you can mix it with dry food if you want as well or you could feed one meal of wet meat and one of kibble.... My view tends to be the best food for your dog is the one that they love to eat, that you can afford and that they stay fit and healthy on. If that's a Pedigree food, that's fine
Thanks for help. Her wait is gaining. As she is suffering from minor dysplasia (no pain). Her wait is 29.5kg female lab 12 month old. How to reduce wait and how much and how many time should i feed?
When you run your hands along her sides can you feel her ribs easily? Or do you have to press to be able to feel her ribs? If you think she is too fat then you need to feed her less food. No bread or rice as these foods are not nutritious.
Many people feed their year old dogs just twice a day - breakfast and dinner. Some still offer 3 meals a day to include a small lunch. It's up to you if you feed twice or three times a day. If you feed twice, just spit the daily allowance between the two meals. As @Oberon says can you feel her ribs when you rub your hands down her sides, without applying any pressure. If you look from above does she have a nicely defined waist? Without seeing her it's not possible to say whether her weight is correct for her size as there can be quite a bit of variation but as she has mild dysplasia it is important that you keep her slim to reduce pressure on her joints. If you think she is a little overweight it may be easier to feed just the kibble with no extra treats, bread, rice or anything like that and reduce the amount of food they say on the packaging for your girl's age. Many of us reduce the amount stated on the food packaging by 20% - 30% without any problems. The manufacturers seem to over-estimate how much our dogs need to eat each day
No i cant feel ribs while swipping hands. But when i force i can obviously. She looks healthy not overweight but i dont know how much 12 month lab should be. She haven't ate kibble since 2 months. Still she havent lost her weight and she is fully active. I think VETS ARE OVERSENSTIVE. they give anxiety to people and try to earn. Atleast in our area. If you look 100 dogs hip xray. 90 dogs will have hip dysplasia if you look tooo much deeply or if you seek perfect round joints even if we look street dogs their legs alwaya perfect. Big thing is, dog is enjoying their life. Even if you look human xray. Many of people dont have round hip and its normal. I also did my own hip xray for fun. mine is also not round but honesly i never felt it it feels like it doesn't not saying that square joint in place of round is better. No. Im saying if we look any thing deeply we will encounter a problem. I think i should give her low diet because its her growing age. Overfeeding always bad. A defiency of minerals or vitamins is more critical. But still i will try to reduce diet bit to give her proper fitness. Anyways its going too long. Any other tricks to reduce diets? From now i will stop treats. Is 40 mins morning 6am and night 9am walk enough to stop gaining wieght? This is my schedule should i increase it? I always leash my puppy i never allowed her to walk freely in house. Actually my house is fully glass tiled its actually cause if minor dysplasia of her. Thats why i never allowed her to walk.
If you can't feel her ribs when lightly running your hands down her sides she sounds as if she is a little over weight . Without knowing her build it's not possible to guess what her weight should be. At a year old she should be just about fully grown. Here on the forum, on average, our girls weigh from around 23kg to around 27kg, some are lighter, some are heavier. Walking alone won't stop her gaining weight, exercise will help with a reduction to her daily food amount. Ideally you could reduce her food by around 30% and if possible increase her exercise and see how she gets on. She should only have proper dog food which provides a balanced diet.
It's true few dogs have prefect hips but being overweight in any way is not good for joints wether they're perfect to start with or not. If you can't feel your girls ribs you will need to reduce her calorie intake by reducing her food. a year old dog should probably be coming off puppy food if she isn't already and a complete food (wet or dry) will be better balanced than adding extra things in. When my dog puts on weight I reduce his food by a quarter until he's back to where he should be. The amount of exercise you're giving her sounds fine. There are people who take their dogs out for longer but mine probably get a similar amount of walks to you most days. You may want to include some higher energy exercise if she's mainly walking on a lead. Does she get to run after a ball and bring it back for example?
Thanks for replies. I will concentrate more to reduce her wieght. Yes she runs to catch ball but i havent trained her to bring back. Btw i have important question. As dog digestion is too fast and strong. If i cut her food and give her only two times. Is getting ulcer or increase risk of stomach acid will be there? Do dog can live with empty stomach? With feeding less can cause any problems?
Feeding less won't cause a problem. It is ok for her stomach to become empty between meals and that won't cause an ulcer.