Just wondering how many people have dogs that let you sleep in and how old they were when they gave you that luxury?
We have a dog door at home so they will let us sleep in as long as we want, (more or less). Some times Cooper joins us in a rather boisterous manner. At our cabin we have to let them out in the morning, but lots of times they will sleep till 8:00 or even 9:00
Oh that's such good news. We are thinking about getting a doggie door too. Our only access to the back yard is through our basement so it might be a challenge getting him to understand has to go down 1-2 flights of stairs and out the door. Any tips on how to train this?
At 18 months my dog made it to the bed with us.....lie ins still didn't happen,the minute he sensed me awake ( even with my eyes still closed and trying to not change my breathing ) he would jump up and lie on my head In the last few months a change has occurred though! I can wake up and turn to look at the clock like a 'Normal' person without having to take up the brace position ! Dexter will have a bit of a stretch and a yawn but doesn't even jump off the bed when I leave to go and get ready for his walk ....he will follow me eventually. Early mornings don't phase me,our weather dictates I have to be up and out anyway so it makes me a little sad to see evidence of Dexter getting older ergo a bit more sensible! However I know we are not the norm .......missing your sleep is a bore x
strangley it me who is the early riser I don't sleep much or well and the dogs have got used to my sleeping all over the place or just rambling about at night. We are all up at 4.50. We do however have nice naps together. they would like a lie in if I did but they want their brekkie first pls. When we've been on holiday they sleep in because they sleep in the same room as us. Funny how everyones in their own bed when I drop off, how in the hell do they sneak onto the bed and lie on me with out me waking? I got trapped in bed on one holiday too many black lab lying on me.
At 5 months Sam goes to bed at 10pm and sleeps until between 6-7am . My older dog though will sleep until 9- 9.30.
My two are completely different (in everything, apparently). Shadow is an earlyish riser. My alarm goes off at 7:30 most mornings and I'll generally start hearing him wandering around from 7am. Like Angela with Dexter, if he's in our room (which happens when we're travelling), he'll jump onto me and lie flat along my body, staring intently at my face and prodding me with his nose as soon as he thinks I'm waking up. Willow, on the other hand, is not a morning "person" and would lie in all day, given the chance. She doesn't move off the sofa when we get up, she just wags her tail hard and rolls onto her back for a tummy rub. She doesn't think there's any point in moving until I get the leads out
I have been lucky since day 1 with Bailey - he has slept through the night, with no need to go out and he gets up when my OH does - that can be anytime between 7am and 9am depending on what we are doing that day! He is a busy puppy during the day, although he has plenty of naps, and we go to bed anytime between 10pm and midnight. I am a Club Steward and therefore my working hours tend to be at night and weekends, although when I have to be at the club during the day Bailey is with me - he has a bed in the corner of my office - and with the OH as the groundsman at the same club when he wants to Bailey is out running about and "helping" with all the outside jobs. If I work late both boys are in bed and snoring when I get in! At the minute he sleeps in his crate at night beside our bed.
it must be lovely being able to take him to work. I love to take mine but i work in a hospital. Do we know a dog who could lend us a Matrons out fit?
It is lovely, the reason we decided to get a puppy was that I changed my job as a PA working in London, commuting everyday from home (2 hrs each way on a good day!) to working 5 mins from home, ability to flex my hours and a big open space where we would be most days - rugby clubs are great! Also know all the people there as have been a member for the past 14 years so knew we would be able to have him with us during the day. I love it
Molly is definitely not a morning person. She sleeps in my room, in her own bed, and I have to wake her up. She then staggers downstairs straight to the sofa to continue her snoozing. She considers being asked to go for a walk before 10am as cruel and unusual punishment! During the lives of my previous dogs , I was usually getting up early anyway for one reason or another, but none of them woke me and all would happily have a lie-on given the opportunity. You will get your sleep back once you're past the puppy stage.
Hattie is 8 years old and Charlie is 5 years old, we are up at 6.00 am during the week. Hattie stays in bed til 7.00 am, Charlie is walked. At the weekends they have a lay in too, they are brilliant and never cry or bark until we get up which can be as late as 10.00 am, although David is mostly up before then. I think we are very lucky with our dogs xx
Yes, I use to run a shop at the local rugby club. My old dog Robbie was always with me and everyone love it. He even had his own bowl