Itchy dog help-long post

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Jesstrott98, Sep 6, 2021.

  1. Jesstrott98

    Jesstrott98 Registered Users

    Sep 6, 2021
    Hi all, first time posting so hope this okay.My blonde lab, who is almost four, starting becoming very itchy around April this year. He wasn’t too bad to begin with so he was left for a while but eventually was itching more and more through the day to the point that he had chewed/itched himself raw and had black leathery bits and scabs all over his back end, so obviously took him to the vets. Since going, he has been trialled on a number of things, he first had mite/parasite treatment, as well as a anti fungal and antibacterial shampoo malaseb, and was given prednisone steroids. Obviously he stopped itching but all the scans remained on his body. As soon as he came off the steroids the itch started to come back, and spread to his face and chin, so we took him back to the vets. He has now been changed to hypoallergenic food and given apoquel steroids instead. He has been off the steroids for a week and eating the hypoallergenic food for almost a month but again as soon as he came off his tablets starting itching again. At the minute he’s full of scabs and scrapes, and in some areas where he’s scratched the follicle of the hair looks brown. He has an appointment on Wednesday to see the vets again but was wondering if anyone has any ideas or suggestions as to what this could be or if anyone has been through something similar? Any help would be greatly appreciated as hate seeing my boy like this
  2. J.D

    J.D Registered Users

    May 9, 2019
    Hampshire UK
    My dog has allergies but nothing as severe as yours.
    The dermatologist we were referred to had him on an Anallergenic(not hypoallergenic) food for 8 weeks to eliminate food as an issue then an allergy blood test that revealed 3 groups he was allergic to. Certain tree pollens/grass pollens/mites. There were options going forward including immunotherapy but his problem isn’t bad enough to go down that route. It was more for me to know what to try to avoid.
    I would ask for a specialist referral rather than keep going back to the vets. Most of it was covered by insurance which I was surprised about. Let us know if you make progress.
    HenryH likes this.
  3. diamandosk

    diamandosk Registered Users

    Jun 27, 2022
    Hello, the same has been happening to my 2yo lab girl. It started after she turned 1 with excessive itching and then something pop at the top of her head. It was red and then a few days later went brown-black leathery bits that became dry and when I touched them they fell of. In a month she was full of them on her back and cheeks ,it kept spreading. I have visited more than 5 vets no one knows what she has. There hasn’t been one single diagnosis that is actually accurate. Unfortunately there is no veterinary dermatologist in my country . She has been on Hedylon steroids, then apoquel. Nothing seemed to help. I changed to raw diet it got better for like a month they were gone, but Then started again. We did some intolerance tests for food and environmental factors that might affect her. I then moderate her diet accordingly she was free of them for around 3 months and now it started all over again. Did you discovered what this condition is? I hate seeing her like this , i know she suffers and it’s super stressful for both of us. I have tried everything i could , we are on a new vet now but honestly i am hopeless. Hope your boy got better and get rid of whatever this is.

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