to collect our puppy. So excited. I go over to get her on Monday. Have I forgotten anything that I'll need for the journey? Going to take:- Collar and lead Old towel X 2 Poo bags Carrier bags Wet wipes Wear old clothes The breeder is kindly meeting is at an airfield and we have an hour flight home. Not room for a carrier of any kind so puppy will be on my lap. I have bought a sling. Will that be helpful for the journey? We then have half hour drive home. Will it be ok to put puppy on the floor for a wee or poo inbetween plane and car journey? This is one aspect that I'm confused about in general. When out and about before jabs they will be carried but what about if they need the loo?! Thanks in advance x
I suspect an airfield would be reasonably safe from 'contamination' from other dogs. In the plane, he may be sick or need to go to the toilet, I can only suggest old cloths and an old blanket, kitchen paper and a bucket and mop waiting at the other end of the journey.
How exciting! Take a couple of extra towels to put (folded so they're thicker) on your lap and sit the puppy on top. That should stop any dribbles getting onto you. If pups need to wee or poo while out but before jabs are all done people usually just put the pup down on the nearest porous surface, hoping for a spot that isn't too doggy.
Re: the loo while traveling, if your pup is used to puddy pads/newspaper, can try that. Ours isn't so he refused to go on it when we took him out.
Puppies have a built-in instinct to not go to the toilet whilst being carried, so you'll probably be OK. Of course, if she can't hold it, she doesn't have much choice. Willow lasted 4 hours without toileting when we brought her home at 8 weeks. As soon as we arrived, we popped her on the terrace and she went immediately. One other time, we got stuck in traffic and we knew she needed the loo, so we pulled off at a roundabout onto a "road to nowhere", where we figured it wouldn't be doggy, laid some newspaper on the floor and popped her on that. She wouldn't go. So we got back in the car and carried on the rest of the way; again, when we got home, she went immediately.
Both my pups have managed to hold wee and poo for quite a while on journeys when they were very young. Both did trips from London to Cornwall and wouldn't wee at stops on the way - too exciting/scary. Generally, while carrying a pup around for socialisation, I have never carried them long enough for them needing to wee and poo to be a problem. Socialisation outings have been short. From 5 minutes to walk to a busy road and back, to 15 minutes sat on a bench in the park and so on. You don't need to carry them round for hours. I think that would be both too much (you don't want to overwhelm the puppy) and tiring/uncomfortable for both human and pup!
I take a puppy pad for them to 'go' on when out and about, then - when used - fold it up and put it in a poo bag.
Exciting day coming up . I'm sure she will wait to have a wee until you put her on the floor. Enjoy your trip to get her
Looks like weather isn't good for the morning. Fog! Gutted, I'm really excited and the kids are beside themselves so I have everything crossed. Thanks for all your comments. Sounds like we will be fine. Journey should only be 2 hours max with a potential wee stop half way through x