Hi @PuppyJake, It sounds like your puppy is getting along very well Just to echo what is being said above regarding the click and treat, I highly recommend treating with food after every click. For most dogs food is a much better motivator than praise, play or petting. You might find this article of interest: Training With Treats: Is food really necessary
He is getting food treats 95% of the time. I need to make sure the treat bag is fuller I think as I occasionally run out.
Luck? I slept downstairs the first week so I could hear him starting to wake up and got to him before he really started crying. And he cried the first few nights going into his crate. He still moans a bit at being put in, especially during the day when we are eating or trying to empty the dishwasher etc but doesn't howl or cry. We have been making up frozen kongs and those help a bit.