Jumping up at visitors

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by suze12, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. suze12

    suze12 Registered Users

    Aug 5, 2014
    Hi all I am the proud owner of a bundle of six month old choc energy called Milo! He started training classes a couple of weeks ago and is doing really well with basic commands. When out and about I'm using a long line to train recall which is going well. Also invested in a whistle. He's pretty calm and laid back in the house when it is just the family - has a few mad moments trying to jump on the sofa now and again but on the whole good and settles really well in his puppy pen when left. When on walks he can be distracted away from people on the other side of the road by the command leave it and a treat or two. He often likes to just look at who ever is going by then is happy to move on. I now need to work on stopping him trying to jump on visitors and lick them to death! We are quite a quiet household and don't tend to have people round that much so when we do he gets very excited to see them. So far trying to distract him with toys, his treat ball or kong works for a while. Just had a friend round and kept him on his lead as it was less stressful than trying to stop him jumping at her! Presumably he will be calmer in time, and I'm hoping training classes will help too. Didn't help that he had been left for a couple of hours while we went out to lunch so had a lot of energy! He doesnt jump up us or mouth us so guess it is just excitement. Any ideas or tips gratefully received. Thanks.

    Sue & Milo
  2. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Re: Jumping up at visitors

    Hi Sue , you are absolutely right, it is excitement :) Milo is just at that age where everything is wonderful , especially visitors and I think you do right to put him onto his lead , at least for a while until he calms down, which he will do eventually ;) My Lab Sam is 3 years old and also a laid back lad but he still loves to meet and greet, its in a Labs nature but you are so right about not allowing the jumping up . So yes, lead on if he is wildly excited , lots of praise when he calms down , that's the way to go x
  3. lorilou61

    lorilou61 Registered Users

    May 13, 2014
    Indiana USA
    Re: Jumping up at visitors

    Hi there! I have crazy Edsel, 7 month black fella that is quite the socializer as well. For some reason, he gets much more excited and jumpy on lead than off. The only thing that consistently works with him is briefing the visitors to turn their backs, do not acknowledge him in any way if he tries to jump. After about 3 back turns, he stops. Not sure it'll work with your Milo, but I've had success with kids and adults alike!

    Good luck!
  4. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Re: Jumping up at visitors

    Definitely enlist the visitors as Lori has done.

    You can also give them a handful of treats. Have Milo on lead, and you standing on the end of the lead. The visitor approaches Milo. If he leaps up the visitor immediately turns around and walks out of reach. Once he's sitting the visitor approaches again. If he's still sitting keep approaching and give a treat. Stand there and continue to give treats while sitting is happening. Then back away a bit (but still facing pup, NOT with back turned) and quickly approach again and give treats if still sitting. If not sitting, turn and walk away. All this while you are doing nothing and no one needs to say anything. The cue for 'sit' is the visitor approaching.

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