I’ve mentioned Juno a few times in various posts so here’s a bit about her. Unfortunately she's no longer with us, she was put to sleep in July after a short fight with a liver tumour but at the end of a full and long life, she was just over 15. Here she is, aged about three, up on the moor and very soggy! All dogs are unique, special and much loved but if we’re lucky we get a ‘dog of a lifetime’. Juno was my dog of a lifetime: steadfast, loyal, intelligent, stubborn, determined, beautiful, faithful and loving. She was my third labrador and sixth dog, we have two more labs and one wolfhound (I’ve mentioned him too!). I knew from the day she came home that she was different from the others her attitude from day one was "here I am, this is me, hello world, you may converse with me if you like but don’t be too offended if I wander off to do something more interesting (less boring)". She didn't like to be smothered but was offended if ignored which she showed in stalking off and sitting down very determinedly usually with a labrador huff, but she was forgiving and would soon relent. The hole she left in our lives is huge, bigger than any of her predecessors and is going to be very difficult to fill. After she died I wrote an obituary on Hebe's blog. Rather than repeating everything it's here if you'd like to read it: http://black-labrador.blogspot.co.uk/2012/07/juno-queen-of-heavens.html Although she's irreplaceable (aren't they all) we're planning labrador number six for next summer!
Re: Juno: Queen of the heavens Thank you all for your lovely comments. She was beautiful and is very much missed :'(
Re: Juno: Queen of the heavens She's a very beautiful dog and the years spent together you'll always cherish.