I have bought a couple of Pipa's books having bought a new pup. She is a Patterdale Terrier and now 4 and half months old. I assume that training her is the same as training any dog and that the principles shown here are the same. Am I right or wrong? Or do I need to train Tess some other way.
You are right; using positive reinforcement and force-free methods work with any dog. There will obviously be differences in what drives your breed to perform compared to others, and those differences can offer up some interesting challenges, but the overall principles of training remain the same; it's the specifics that have to be adjusted depending on the dog. That's true within a breed, too; surprisingly, not all Labs are motivated by food! So you have to find what your dog's primary motivators are, and work with those. Don't assume that she will work for sausage, if it doesn't float her boat I think this is the forum's first Patterdale? Please share pictures, we're not breedist here!
Thanks Fiona yep not sausages that's for sure I use bits of cooked liver for training as she doesn't get this in her normal diet and she loves them. Been looking at your website which I have saved and will follow it. This is Tess https://www.facebook.com/tessofwark...718449637479/1468366419906015/?type=3&theater
She is gorgeous. I think Patterdales may be my favourite of the terrier breeds. I've only met one, so it's not a great sample, but he was a cutie
Oooo, she's a lovely little girl. I'd never even heard of Patterdales before last week, so I'd love to hear you talk more about her here.
My best friend had one he was called scruff and was a total loon. He lived until he 16 and was a legend. He liked to think he was a sex God and his paramour of choice was usually a dairy cow or something bigger like a horse. He was a full on high octane working terrier who hated cats but adopted a kitten in his senior years. He was a like lightening on the park and adored by us all.he's sadly missed and his crazy antics were always awesome. He would steal anything chase everything and had a wicked knowing grin.
O thanks everyone for welcoming me to the forum you certainly know how to put people at their ease here. I wasn't sure if not having a lab would exclude me but you have all proved me wrong. Tess does have her own facebook page https://www.facebook.com/tessofwarkworth/?ref=bookmarks for those who want to follow her You are all so friendly and thanks once agian
Oh, gosh no! We have people who have Labs plus others, some who have Lab mixes and some who don't have Labs at all. We even have a certain someone who doesn't even have a dog..... although she's trying to convince us she's doing something about that at some point in the next, say, decade or so
Oh my goodness, do you have some amazing photos there! Yay! Ooo, that's me...I'm famous for something! (or...maybe I shouldn't be so proud about that? )
Haaa well sure we can convince her that having a dog is as good as having children Fiona don't you. Woops maybe that was a bad choice of words. No dogs don't answer you back well except for Tess that is